The Division of the Damned

The Division of the Damned by Richard Rhys Jones

Book: The Division of the Damned by Richard Rhys Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Rhys Jones
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obedience and fai th in our cause. We need heroes — ”
    But Von Struck had already left, leaving the door open.

Chapter 17
    Michael woke Smith up just before noon with a tray of black bread, salami and onions, and watched as Smith ate ravenously.
    "Now we talk, English. Or, better said, you listen.”
    "Whatever it is you want to tell me, it can’t be as shocking as what I’ve learnt these last couple of days." Smith carried on eating but kept his eyes on Michael.
    Michael continued. "Throughout history there have been mythical figures that have cropped up time and time again. They seem to float from one civilisation to another, causing mayhem, fear and, more often than not, catastrophe. With each reincarnation, they seem to get fiercer and fiercer. The names vary but they are always the same character, always the same evil." He paused to make sure Smith was listening and  carried on. "The demon Lilith or Lilit, or Lilitu or Belit-ili or Baalat, is identified in several ancient texts. She is as old as the Bible, probably older, because she is mentioned in the Mishna, the scriptures that explain and define the old Jewish law as it’s found in the Pentateuch — ”
    "The what? I’m sorry but I didn’t follow you.”
    "The Pentateuch are the first five books of Moses in the Old Testament, and the Mishna attempts to clarify the l aws that were laid down by Moses. Lilith is mentioned in the Mishna. She is mentioned in the Gilgamesh Epic and a whole — ”
    Smith stood up . "Talk sense to me, Michael. You’re wittering on like an idiot. What the hell has this got to do with my situation? What are you — ”
    He was stopped in mid-sentence as Michael grabbed him by the shoulders. " Listen you, bloody fool. Don’t you see? Maria is Lilith. The entity known as Lilith has taken over Maria.”
    A confused silence passed between them as they stood facing each other.
    "English, sit down. I know it’s a lot to digest, so just let me finish and then you can make up your own mind. You know that there’s something strange going on, don’t you?”
    "Well, I … I’m not sure of anything anymore, to be honest.”
    "Please sit down and hear me out. Please.”
    Smith sat down, not convinced but, then again, not unconvinced. H e nodded and Michael carried on.
    "The entity Lilith has been recorded and described throughout time, as I’ve already said. According to ancient Hebraic folklore, she was Adam’s first w ife. She was cast out of Eden — or she fled — because she was too dominant, sexually and socially. She was replaced by the submissive, and thus more acceptable, Eve.”
    Smith raised his eyebrows and nodded for him to go on.
    "She is said to have scorned God and fled Eden. She is immortal because she left Eden before the fall, that is before Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the forbidden tree. She is supposed to have flown to the shores of the Red Sea where she apparently mated with demons and gave birth a hundred times a day.”
    "Good grief! I bet that hurt," Smith huffed.
    If Michael detected Smith’s sarcasm, he didn’t let it show and he pushed patiently on . "Indeed. As I said, no wonder she wasn’t included in the Bible. Legend has it t hat she can only exist at night — it isn ’t true but that’s the legend — and that she lives on the blood of children and animals. It was also said that she drank the blood of Abel after his brother slew him. So Lilith is the first recorded Biblical vampire and she’s also the first name in the Book of Blood.” Michael paused for effect before moving on. "Lilith is among us now, right here in the castle, and her powers are gathering strength. Do you or, better said, can you believe me?”
    Smith sat in mute contemplation. How had he landed in this madhouse? How could he extract himself from this insanity with the least friction or fuss? "Go on. There must be more .” H e sighed.
    "There is. But do you understand what I’ve said up to

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