The Dirty Show
girl, this is crazy, and I know we just met, but…”
blinked in surprise at the guy who took the stool beside her at the bar,
instinctively backing away a little as he leaned closer. He was young, barely
old enough to gain entry into the club, and while she was just ten years past
that, this clear attempt to pick her up amused her greatly.
me?” She crossed one leg over the other, letting her already-too-short skirt
ride up her thigh, revealing the lace top of her thigh-high stocking, enjoying
his reaction. His gaze skipped from her hemline to the v-neck of her blouse,
revealing far more cleavage than she was used to showing.
it was a just bad pickup line!” He had to yell to be heard, leaning in even
closer, and Janie could smell beer on his breath. “Whatcha drinkin’? I’m
of Patron!” Janie yelled in reply and lifted her glass, tilting back the honey
colored liquid at the bottom.
shots of Patron!” the guy called to the bartender. She was a leggy redhead who
raised her eyebrows as she poured the shots but she took the guy’s money and
slid the drinks in front of them, moving on to the other patrons crowding the
should we drink to?” Janie lifted her glass, enjoying the way he turned toward
her on the stool so his knee brushed her thigh. He was tall, and the jeans and
cowboy boots alone made her belly quiver. The silver buckle and the hat were
just cherries on the cake.
I know is we need to get hammered.” He clinked his glass to hers, grinning, still
yelling to be heard. “Because I wanna nail you!”
first pickup line wasn’t bad enough?” Janie smirked, raising one eyebrow and
glancing pointedly down at his crotch. “I don’t know, are you sure you brought
enough wood?”
timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Tequila erupted from his mouth in a
fine spray all over the bar and he choked behind his black shirt sleeve, eyes
watering, but he came up laughing.
pretty sure you’d be happy with the timber, ma’am,” he replied, still grinning.
me, is this seat taken?”
felt a presence, glancing over her shoulder at the dark, curly hair appearing
behind her as he slid onto the stool on her other side.
Josh,” he said, holding out his hand.
took it, smiling. “Janie.”
she’s a tougher nut to crack than that, pal, believe me!” the cowboy remarked,
using one of the napkins sitting under a bowl of peanuts to wipe up the tequila
he’d spit all over the bar.
that so?” Josh smiled. “I guess we’ll have to see about that. Hey, cowboy, can
I borrow your hat?”
cowboy frowned, but he took it off and handed it over, smoothing back his sandy
Josh put the hat over Janie’s still untouched shot of tequila. “I bet you a
kiss I can drink that without ever touching the hat.”
cocked her head and eyed him skeptically. “One kiss?”
you prefer a blowjob? I know I would!”
one kiss.” Janie laughed, feeling her face flush. Beside her, the cowboy was
watching intently.
gave a nod and then crouched down, disappearing under the lip of the bar. Janie
squealed as she felt his hands on her calves, a hot mouth pressed to her knee,
making drinking sounds. The cowboy’s eyes widened.
Do you need me to—?”
no!” She laughed, waving him away as Josh reappeared.
daa!” Josh wiped the back of his mouth, dropping her a wink.
cowboy scowled, reaching over to grab his hat off the counter, revealing the
shot sitting, still untouched, on the bar. “Hey!”
grabbed the glass, knocking the shot back in one tilt of his head. He turned to
Janie, grinning. “Now about that blowjob…”
she reminded him as he wrapped his arms around her waist, forcing her to spread
her legs as his mouth came down on hers, slanting across with a wet, hungry
heat she

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