The Devil's Good Intentions
behind your friends, pushing them forward when a new admirer would approach. You were so lovely, even in your youth.”
    “ I did have a headache that night you know, only the stress from those advances only made it worse.”
    “ So I was right on both accounts. Being right doesn’t surprise me anymore” he put as much arrogance as he could into the statement, which only made her burst out laughing and almost spill her drink.
    He chuckled along with her and found he could not tear his eyes away from her mouth. She had a beautiful smile and her teeth were perfectly white and straight. He would have wondered how she managed that with such lack of nutrition or hygienic products, but had a suspicion that she knew a bit about herbs and within that would find the solution.
    “ You know, I meant to steal you away at the last event” he had the sudden need to confess. “Even though my visit in town was specifically to retrieve you, I had no idea I would meet up with you at Lord Danvil’s ball.”
    “ Then why were you there?”
    “ To socialize with business associates. I figured I would take advantage of my time in town and put a few things out of the way, before I came to get you. I saw you come in. I knew right away it was you and watched as you watched everyone else. You seemed eager to leave only moments after arriving. I’d see you duck into the shadows as recognition for various faces would register. It was strange to watch. You were the most beautiful woman in the room and by societies standards had all the rights to be there, yet you stood there on the outside looking in. I could see regret and even a touch of loneliness when you would recognize an old friend, determination when you brushed aside your pride and took the food that you needed to survive and then the need to flee and shelter yourself from a world that had moved on without you. I was so close to following you outside and throwing you over my shoulders while I escaped with you into the night. I very much felt like an evil pirate.” He chuckled.
    She sat there watching the scenery outside the window with a touch of sadness across her features. He did not intend to make her sad but felt the need to demonstrate to her that he saw through her beauty and recognized the person who she really was.
    “ Kat” He called her name gently to pull her back into the conversation.
    “ I’m sorry. Attending those events was harder on me than surviving the cold winters.”
    He would have thought that would have been her cue to cry, but she did not. She squared her shoulders and shrugged her sadness off.
    “ You will never be on the outside again Katherine - never.” He declared, feeling very protective of his beautiful flower and never wanting her to experience pain like that again.
    She only smirked at him and returned her gaze to the scenery outside. She was shutting him out. He didn’t like it but couldn’t be so selfish as to expect her to pay all of her waking moments dedicating her attentions to only him. It was an attractive thought, but not realistic.
    They sat in silence for sometime before he couldn’t take it anymore. Now that he had her, he wanted to hear her voice, touch her and even taste her. He wanted to cocoon her into his arms and never let her go. The sun was starting to go down and they had about another two hours before they stopped for the night. He would not sit in silence for two hours, nor did he think he could hold back his desire for her for that long.
    He held out for another five minutes and then lost his patience. Without a word, he pulled her onto his lap and caught her gasp with his mouth, sliding his tongue inside her mouth and savouring her taste. It didn’t take long for her hand to slide to the back of his neck and return his kiss with equal passion. Running his hand up her inner thigh, he growled into her mouth when she tried to snap her legs shut. When his thumb gently traced over her under garments, she let out a

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