The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One

The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One by Beth Wright

Book: The Demon King's Sex Kitten: Book One by Beth Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Wright
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, Humour, BDSM, erotic fantasy
The Demon King's Sex Kitten
    By: Beth Wright
    Published By: Beth Fullaway
    Copyright 2014 Beth Wright
    License Notes
    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
    Thalmok laughed as he watched his son battle another demon warrior. His eyes never left his son’s battle moves, not even for a second. He bellowed out to Darmal, “Stop fighting like a woman!”  Darmal cringed as he heard his father’s words. He jumped as the warrior swung the ax at his leg, missing him by only a few centimeters. Sweat drenched his body as his father’s voice filled the air once more, “Get him, Darmal! What the Hell are you waiting for…a missing limb?!” Misjudging his opponent’s next move caused him to be yelled at once again.  Thalmok grumbled out to his son as he approached him. “Get off your ass and kill him!” His heavy booted steps echoed throughout the throne room. The stone walls prevented anyone from the outside hearing what was accruing within it. Darmal knew why and he dreaded the future event, that he knew his father was about to fulfill.
    Tears threatened to spill from his red eyes as he looked up to his father, “He is my best friend!”
    Thalmok grabbed Darmal’s throat and lifted him up into the air. His grip tightened as he yelled out, “You will kill him!”
    Darmal kept his eyes shut as he whispered, “No.” His heart raced as he held the tears back.
    His father cursed as he threw him across the room. His back hit the stone wall with force, knocking the air out of him. He gasped for air as he watched his father stand his ground. “A fucking piece of shit…that is all you are, Darmal!” His voice rose as he drawn his sword and turned towards the warrior who his son refused to kill. He kept his eyes trained on the warrior, “Now you will die!”
    The warrior had no time to even defend himself. Other warriors came out from the shadows within the large throne room. They circled their victim for only a second before stabbing him through multiple times. The young prince’s voice echoed around them, “No!”
    Darmal’s pain laced with anger as he stood to his feet gripping his sword tightly within his hands. He shed only a few tears before charging at his evil father. Just as his sword lifted up to send a death blow at his father’s head the air around the throne room became dense with the smell of ashes and death. The one sure sign that told all the demon kings were now present. His swing faltered as he swayed from the sudden shift within the room.
    Thalmok turned as Darmal’s sword slipped from his grasp and fell to the ground. He growled at him, “You thought you could kill me!” Slipping his hand into Darmal’s hair he pulled him to his feet. “You are nothing but a worthless piss of shit! You couldn’t even kill that young warrior! Yet, you believed you could kill me, your father and king?!” His grip tightened around the long black hair as his hissed out, “I should kill you!”
    Darmal’s bright red eyes closed as he waited for his death sentence. After a few silent minutes a voice spoke to him from somewhere far off in the distance, “You shall not die yet, Darmal.” The vision of a blue skin demon appeared within his mind as his father’s tight grip drifted from his hair. Darmal refused to open his eyes, seeing the evil king laugh at him, was the last thing he wanted right now.
    The memories of his past faded as Darren scanned the alley. Stopping dead in his tracks, he finally realized he had wondered off from his true destination. Stupid wizard, he could have asked for an invite to his

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