The Defender (The Carrier Series Book 2)

The Defender (The Carrier Series Book 2) by Diana Ryan

Book: The Defender (The Carrier Series Book 2) by Diana Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Ryan
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With our shoulders touching, he leaned over and grabbed
the extra blanket, held the corners, and spread it out over our legs.
    We sat and listened to the smooth jazz for a while. Adam was a
perfect gentleman and asked if he could put his arm around me—to keep me warm,
of course. I snuggled in and enjoyed the good music with a good friend.
    He’s becoming more than a friend , my heart
    “What’s in the basket?” I asked, trying to distract myself from
the truth of my heart.
    “Dessert,” Adam said smiling. He leaned over and pulled out a
small plastic container of various cheesecake samples. There was a thin slice
of strawberry on each piece. “I hope you like cheesecake.”
    “My favorite! You didn’t make those, did you?”
    “I’m sorry, I cannot take credit. The best baked good I can make
is a box mix of chocolate brownies.” Adam took two forks out of the small
basket and offered me the plate of dessert. “Dig in!”
    I took my fork and dug a bite off a slice. “This is so delicious.
Thank you for bringing it.”
    Adam nodded, his mouth full of his own delectable bite. The music
played in the background as we sat and indulged. Beyond Adam’s head I could see
the sky full of beautiful sparkling silver stars.
    “Here, try this one.”
    Adam’s fork slowly approached my lips, a bite of chocolate
cheesecake on the end. I opened my mouth and closed my eyes, slightly smiling
as I waited for the fork’s cold metal to touch my tongue. Finally I tasted
chocolate and closed my mouth around the fork as he gently slid it out.
    Pleasant tingles ran down my spine.
    “Ava,” he said quietly.
    I opened my eyes.
    “Did you ever mistakenly discover something wonderful, and then
realize that was why you were put on this Earth?”
    I looked at him nervously. “Are you talking about cheesecake?”
    Adam chuckled. “No, Ava. I’m talking about you.”
    Uh-oh .
    He moved his fingers over the blanket and grabbed my hand. We were
in our own world, unaware of the fifty people around us. His eyes were locked
on mine, obviously searching for some kind of affirmation of my feelings.
    My cheeks turned pink and my heart began to race, but I couldn’t
find a clear answer in my heart.
    Suddenly the song ended and the audience began clapping, bringing
us back to reality. The band started playing the first ballad of the night, and
we noticed several couples standing up to dance in the grass.
    “My lady, would you give me the pleasure of this dance?”
    My heart felt like it was beating in my ears. “Sure,” I replied
quietly. I swallowed loudly. This meant we were going to get closer to each
    Adam stood up and held his hand out to help me up, and then led me
off the blanket to a free patch of grass nearby. Keeping perfect eye contact,
Adam slowly took the hand he was holding, placed it around his neck, and then
carefully ran his palm down my arm, ending at my shoulder. I eased my other
hand up to his shoulder as he gracefully inched his fingers around my waist.
    He pulled me in close as we swayed to the music, our eyes
comfortably locked. His face was perfectly handsome in the moonlight, and I
began to feel my heart drop its wall of protection. Maybe I could let myself
fall for him. It felt pretty wonderful being wanted again. I suddenly realized
how lonely I’d been.
    As we danced, he hummed the tune in my ear and whispered, “You are
so beautiful.”
    I could not stop the smile from my lips.
    Adam carefully brushed a piece of hair from my face with his thumb
and tucked it behind my ear. Then, still holding my head in his hand, he slowly
moved his face closer and closer to mine. My eyes instinctively closed, waiting
for what I knew was coming next.
    Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
    I wanted to kiss Adam. It felt right. He let his nose touch mine
and then I could feel his breath so close to my lips, hovering there with
careful anticipation.
    “Adam,” I whispered, surrendering to my feelings.
    I screamed as some

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