The Deep End (A Saints & Strangers Cozy Mystery Book 2)

The Deep End (A Saints & Strangers Cozy Mystery Book 2) by Keeley Bates Page A

Book: The Deep End (A Saints & Strangers Cozy Mystery Book 2) by Keeley Bates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keeley Bates
Tags: female sleuth, cozy mystery
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remembering her father. “No. He was a soft touch. He was very involved in my life. Taught me how to golf and play tennis, how to ride horses. He gave the best hugs.” Tears pricked the back of her eyes.
    “I feel so boring now,” Romeo said. “My dad taught me how to ride a bike. Then my bike got stolen and we couldn’t afford another one.”
    Kit laughed despite herself. “Is that why you went into crime fighting? To avenge your lost bicycle?”
    “It definitely put a bee in my bonnet.”
    Kit laughed again at the image of Romeo in a bonnet. “The event begins at seven at the Weston Inn, if you want to meet me there.”
    Romeo shook his head. “What kind of gentleman would I be if I met you there? I’ll pick you up at quarter to seven.”
    Kit’s body tingled. That definitely made it seem more like a date than a work obligation. She hoped casino night would be her lucky night in more ways than one.

Chapter Six
    Well-dressed men and women swarmed the Weston Inn for the colon cancer fundraiser in memory of John Tilton. Bow-tied waiters served champagne as guests nibbled on an array of appetizers and a band played soft jazz in the background. The gaming tables were scattered throughout the venue. Attendees indulged in roulette, blackjack and craps. Rebecca and Charlotte were immensely pleased with the show of support for their father.
    “This is amazing,” Kit exclaimed, maneuvering her way through the crowd to greet the hostesses. They’d left long before Kit in order to oversee the preparations. “Your dad would be so proud.”
    “Thanks,” Charlotte said. “I think so, too.” Kit thought she looked particularly pretty in a soft pink vintage dress while Rebecca embodied elegance in a classic cocktail dress.
    Rebecca peered over Kit’s shoulder. “I see you brought a handsome date.”
    Kit didn’t need to turn around to know that Romeo wasn’t far behind. “I think a date is someone you bring voluntarily. He more or less followed me here,” she joked.
    “Collecting strays?” Rebecca queried. “How like your mother you are.”
    Kit glared at her as Romeo approached them.
    “Good evening, ladies,” Romeo said. “You both look beautiful tonight.”
    “So you’re here for work then?” Rebecca inquired.
    He slipped a playful arm around Kit’s waist. “How can I call it work when I’m in such exquisite company?”
    Kit made a gagging sound. “Be yourself, please. Nobody likes a suck-up.”
    “It’s all right, Kit,” Charlotte said. “We want to find Jasmine’s killer. If that means another handsome face in the crowd, we’ll gladly take it.”
    Romeo’s expression softened. “We’ll find out who did it, Charlotte. I promise.”
    “Please do,” Francie said. “Charlotte wouldn’t last two minutes in prison.”
    “Luckily, that’s not a likely outcome since she isn’t a suspect,” Romeo said.
    “I don’t know,” Charlotte mused. “I might function quite well in a tiny cell. Not much to knock over in there apart from my cellmate.”
    “Depending on your cellmate, that could be a huge problem,” Kit pointed out.
    A woman approached wearing loud prints and raspberry-colored heels. Not quite the formal look that most people had adopted for the evening.
    “You Tilton girls have done a killer job.” She clapped her hands together.
    “Perhaps a poor choice of words, Mrs. Goodington,” Rebecca reprimanded her gently.
    “Oh, I do beg your pardon.” The woman gazed admiringly at Romeo. “I don’t know you.” She zeroed in on the absence of a ring on his finger. “Eligible, are we?”
    “Romeo, you’ll have to forgive Mrs. Goodington,” Rebecca apologized. “She’s so splendid at organizing events she thinks that gives her a license to organize love lives as well.”
    Mrs. Goodington reached across Romeo and grabbed Kit by the chin. “And this one. Oh, I’ll see you married soon enough and your lovely mother will thank me for it.”
    Kit pulled her chin free and

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