The Death Series: A Dark Dystopian Fantasy Box Set: (Books 1-3)

The Death Series: A Dark Dystopian Fantasy Box Set: (Books 1-3) by Tamara Rose Blodgett

Book: The Death Series: A Dark Dystopian Fantasy Box Set: (Books 1-3) by Tamara Rose Blodgett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Rose Blodgett
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been able to study his abilities further, which is a national tragedy. He works in a capacity that has not been explained and is under a top-secret umbrella that even the scientific community cannot breach.”
    “Why can't we all know what Parker is up to? Don't we have a right to know?”
    “I am not at liberty to answer that. However, I can say that if another were to manifest like Parker, he or she would be a very interesting commodity for certain groups.”
    “Which groups?”
    “Any group who thinks raising cadavers would be politically advantageous.”
    I put the papers down and rubbed my eyes. Reading that stuff had given me the creeps.
    I got up and walked over to my desk. Plunking down on my chair, I pressed my thumb onto the pad.
    Hello, Caleb Hart... accessing...
    I thought : subject; murder, AFTD-related.
    The display lit up with news and one article struck as soon as I saw it; although it was older:
    Twenty-year old AFTD Policewoman Bobbi Gale “Discovers” Murder Victim Leading to the Arrest of Pierce Dickson
    Bobbi Gale, a 20-year-old policewoman, solved a murder by locating the victim’s body.
    After testing as a two-point in the AFTD category, Ms. Gale excelled in the special school she attended and upon graduation, she was given a position in the police department of her choice.
    This trend of using people in important capacities such as law-enforcement cannot be a bad one, considering that paranormal ability is not just given to people driven to do the right thing. Ms. Gale stated, “There are criminals out there with abilities, too. They are now our most powerful criminals, using all their talents for evil.”
    Wow! I hadn't considered what happened if someone bad—like Carson—had paranormal skills. I shuddered, thinking about the trouble that assclown could make.
    When asked how she was able to find these criminals, Ms. Gale responded, “It’s a difficult ability to quantify, but I'd have to say it's the dead... they speak to me. It seems that when someone dies violently, he or she leaves a footprint, an impression. I follow that trail, and sometimes, I get lucky and can put it all together.”
    When Gale was asked if she was satisfied with her work, she responded with an emphatic yes, but added that she was “glad that she didn't have all the categories of AFTD.”
    When asked why, she said that would be “more than she wanted to deal with.”
    I pressed my thumb on the pad and thought , writing.
    A blank page appeared on my monitor, which hung above my desk. I drummed my fingers on the desk. My least favorite homework was writing. History was second period, and I needed to do a synopsis paragraph per day. Mr. Peterson was cool, but current event stuff sucked. Who cared what was happening, seriously? I wasn't into being informed.
    I sat thinking about what to write in my paragraph, struggling with the spelling, as usual. My desk had a built in thumb pad so I just laid my thumb on it and thought : this sucks ass guffaws
    The phrase lit up on the screen and I howled, slapping my knee, comic relief. I finally got a grip and thought: erase phrase. I tapped my fingers again and thought:
    Copy and Paste header.
    The article header lit up.
    I amended, And include author.
    Anderson's name glowed on the screen.
    This past event is about a girl cop who has the paranormal ability AFTD (Affinity for the Dead). This ability usually means that somebody can communicate with the dead. She uses her ability to find murderers.
    She says that she can hear impressions from people who've died, and that if they were murdered, she can feel a trail of their emotions. Sounds like this is damn handy.
    I snickered. Cool. Erase profanity.
    “ Damn” disappeared.
    Pulse to Mr. William “Billy” Peterson, history teacher at Kent Middle School.
    I pressed my thumb on the pad very lightly—Mom would kill me if I put my thumb through another pad— and

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