Chapter One
Althea Johnson sat straight up in bed after the hellish nightmare she had just experienced. Still in the midst of her dream and the abrupt awakening, she cursed underneath her breath before turning the lamp on with a simple wave of her hand. She was disoriented and tried pulling herself together.
Then she remembered the incubus who sought to possess her mind, body, and soul. There was something rather familiar about him, but she couldn’t put a finger on it. Then, there was the matter of the witch—the one who sought to snuff her out.
Her silk nightgown clung to her sweat-laden body as she sat on the side of the bed, looking around the room. How the hell had she managed to get divorced and then have strange occurrences invade her supposedly normal life?
Suddenly it struck her. Quinton and Vukasin, her vampire and wolf shifter lovers had not visited her in the past few evenings.
It was now many months after her divorce from that sadistic pig Rufus, who had mentally abused her. In two years of marriage, he’d hit her twice. That was two times too many. The first time, she didn’t dismiss it, but the next day she fed him spoiled pork chops and watched with a slight smirk as the jerk woofed them down. The next day he experienced a slight bout of food poisoning. She smiled at the memory.
The second incident was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Not only had he bad-mouthed her because she was pleasantly plump, he had the audacity to strike her when she refused to answer him while she cooked dinner. That was also the night she learned of his infidelity.
That night something inside Althea snapped and after listening to the voice inside her head, she was seduced into beating him with a cast-iron skillet. A woman could only take so much. No one deserved to be treated like scum on the bottom of someone’s shoe.
Since that incident, strange occurrences had started happening, and her otherworldly lovers began to steal her away into their realm. Althea also gained a telekinetic power, but while acquiring this wonderful gift, she’d managed to pick up a few evil entities along the way. The witch. She cringed at the thought of facing her. In some sick and twisted way, the woman reminded her of herself.
The first time she moved an object without touching, she almost passed out. It had taken time and the help of Quinton and Vukasin to become accustomed to her newfound powers. Althea yawned and stretched before slipping out of the bed. The desire to be with her lovers was strong, and she did not wish to be alone in her bed any longer. Instead of waiting for them to come to her, she decided to meet them in their realm.
She closed her eyes and focused on where she wanted to be. “Vukasin and Quinton. Take me to them, now,” she commanded. Instantly, she appeared in the castle.
Althea shivered as she walked barefoot down the castle corridor. Her stomach lurched as a feeling of uneasiness settled over her. Normally, when she drifted off to their realm, Cailheim, she felt no fear. However, this time was different.
A sharp pang of instinct warned her of an impending danger. She stopped and mentally scanned the corridor, but nothing was there. Althea’s heart pounded against her ribcage as she continued her journey.
Suddenly, a figure clad in black jumped her from behind, pushing her against the cold castle wall. Immediately, Althea’s instincts kicked in as the figure charged her. Delivering a kick to the figure’s midsection, Althea tried snatching the black cloak to see who her assailant was.
Malevolent laughter erupted, echoing off the castle walls as Althea assumed the fighting stance. Heart racing, she tried concealing her fear, but it was no use. “Who the hell are you?” she demanded, and cringed when a woman’s voice spoke.
“You don’t know?” the figure in black asked. “I know you.” Those words sent a shiver down her spine.
“Never come here again!” she ordered.
“Who the hell
Francine Rivers
Jamie DeBree
Rhonda Gibson
Mallory Kane
Julia Álvarez
Lora Leigh
Leanne Banks
Kelly McCullough
Jeffrey Salane
Charles Fort