The Dark Stairs R/I

The Dark Stairs R/I by Betsy Byars Page B

Book: The Dark Stairs R/I by Betsy Byars Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Byars
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    A shiver of fear ran up Herculeah’s spine. She wrapped her arms about herself.
    She put her foot on the first step.
    In the living room Tarot had warmed up and regained his strength. “Beware! Beware!” he screeched. “Beware” was the parrot’s only word.
    Herculeah had always thought this was comical. She liked it when she passed the house and Tarot screeched his warning out the window. She would pause to listen. “Beware! Beware!”
    She knew that all the neighbors did not feel the same way. Some of them had complained to the police about the noise. And unsuspecting strangers walked faster when they passed by, as if they took the warning seriously.
    Now it didn’t seem comical at all.
    Gripping the banister tightly, Herculeah started up the stairs.

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