The Dark Side
    “Like I said at the office of the FBI, I agree with Daniel Gibson. This place is somewhat
    It was a little too glib. He was making me nervous. “Why do you care what happens to me?”
    Marco smiled at me, all Italian charm. “Let’s just say I am protecting my investment,
    His investment? Me? I bristled a little. Sure I owed him but that didn’t make me his property. “I thought this cleared things between us?”
    He raised an eyebrow at me, gaze dropping to my throat. I looked away, trying not to think about the blood debt.
    “Who says I am talking about only you?” His eyes flicked to Jase, threading his way through the crowd back to us.
    Jase? “You’re here to protect Jason?” I almost laughed. Then frowned. What the hell was Marco teaching Jase and what the hell kind of powers did Jase have if he was valuable enough for Marco to keep an eye on him? And who did he need protecting from here?
    The answer appeared like magic.
. Looking better than ever in a body-hugging black T-shirt and jeans. “Good evening, Ms. Keenan, Mr. Trent.” He bowed, slanting a gaze at Jase as he did so.
    I didn’t return the greeting. Instead I watched Marco who was looking at Niko with something close to distrust.
    “Nikolai, I wasn’t expecting you,” I said.
    “It is a night for surprises,” Niko purred. He cocked his head at Lord Marco. “Always a pleasure to see you in one of our establishments, my lord Marco. Can I fetch you a...refreshment?”
    I didn’t want to know what a
might mean in a dark club. Because, quite possibly, it would be a real live human rather than stored or manufactured blood.
    Marco frowned at Niko. “I am fine, as I am. Why are you here?” His tone should’ve frozen Niko on the spot, which only confirmed my feelings where Niko was concerned. If Marco didn’t like him, then he had to be very bad news.
    “My lord Esteban thought I could assist Ms. Keenan and Mr. Trent.” His eyes strayed again to Jason and he smiled. It made him look unnaturally beautiful, an effect only amplified by our grimy surroundings. Looking at Niko in this place was like finding the statue of David in a trailer park.
    Jase returned the gaze. His expression didn’t change but something about his posture made my heart sink. He was attracted to Niko, despite my warnings.
    “I doubt Ms. Keenan has much use for a less than talented painter,” Marco said. “Managing finances has never been your strong point.”
    There was a definite sting in his tone now and I wondered again about Niko’s history. Maybe Marco would tell me if I asked nicely. I could use any help I could get to keep Jase from getting entangled.
    Niko’s face turned somewhat sulky. “I am here at my lord’s command. I do what
tells me to do.”
    Marco took a step toward him and the hairs on the back of my neck sprang to attention as the atmosphere went supercharged.
    “Your lord answers to
,” Marco said with menace positively dripping from his voice.
    We couldn’t afford a scene. I couldn’t risk giving away the real reason we were here. So I did something really dumb. I ignored every ounce of self-preservation I possessed and stepped between an Old One and the vamp he was pissed at. “What I need,” I said in my best nonconfrontational voice, “is to do my job.”
    I looked from one to the other, my nerves screaming warnings from the tension vibrating from them both. “Lord Marco, please.”
    Marco stared at Niko a moment longer then the sense of danger evaporated. “This can wait.”
    I let out a breath. “Thank you. Nikolai, where’s the manager?”
    “He’s not here.”
    I crossed my arms, wishing I’d let Marco take Niko out after all. “Excuse me?”
    “He’s detained,” Niko said.
    “Detained by who?” I demanded.“Esteban said to ask for Arthur Dempsey. He should be here.”
    Niko’s smile would’ve been pretty if it hadn’t been so smug. “I can

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