The Crystal's Curse
That’s admirable, but unfortunately, life doesn’t always cooperate. It sounds to me like you are feeling a little out of control of the situation.”
    “Exactly, how do I take back control?”
    “You don’t.”
    Helen leaned forward and laid a hand on Sara’s arm. “Let me give you some advice from an old lady. You can’t control life. You have to live it one day at a time. Many things are going to happen to you that you can neither predict or change. Get used to it. It’s good to make goals and strive hard to achieve them, but those plans have to be flexible. Falling in love is not one of the things you can plan. It just happens.” She leaned back. “You obviously like this Joshua a lot. Is he good enough for you?”
    Sara smiled. “Yes I think so. He is kind and gentle, very intelligent and he plays the piano. Did I mention really good looking?”
    Helen looked at her over the top of her reading glasses. “He doesn’t have dark hair and blue eyes, does he?”
    “As a matter of fact he does,” Sara said, grinning.
    Helen shook her head, laughing. “Oh, dear that’s a bad combination.” Then more seriously, “Take it one day at a time. You don’t know how you’ll feel in a couple of months.”
    “What if nothing changes? What if I really am in love? Would you have given up everything to follow your heart?”
    Helen looked thoughtful. “I don’t know. I never got the chance to make that decision, but I will tell you one thing. Even knowing all the pain I felt when he left, I would go back and do it all again. I would not give up one minute I spent with him. Those memories have kept me warm on many a cold night.”
    “Thanks Gran.” Sara reached up and gave her grandmother a hug.
    “Goodnight dear.”
    When Sara left the room, Helen’s mind stayed in the past.
    Joshua drove around for a long time before heading home, thinking about what a great day it had been. He had to keep telling himself that this was his car. He couldn’t believe he was actually dating a beautiful woman like Sara. He could still smell the scent of her hair and the way she felt in his arms. The only thing that marred the day was the dull headache that seemed to be a part of his life now. When the pain suddenly increased, the throbbing blurred his vision and forced him to go home and go to bed.
    Even after taking aspirin, i t kept him awake most of the night. However, by morning, he felt better. Getting dressed, Joshua wondered whether the stone had anything to do with the headaches. Picking up the crystal as usual to put in his pocket, he rotated it in his hands trying to decide whether to take it or leave it at home. Suddenly the air around him constricted, pressing in on him on all sides. Everything in the room shimmered and began to fade. He flung out both hands to steady himself. The stone slipped from his fingers. The pressure faded and the room returned to normal. He stood there wondering what had just happened. Maybe just a dizzy spell like when you get up too quickly, he thought.
    Still, Joshua was almost afraid to pick up the crystal. When he did, nothing happened. Still shaken, he tucked the crystal in a drawer, deciding to leave it at home to see if he felt any different. By lunchtime, he noticed that it was the first day that he hadn’t had a headache. However, that feeling of confidence had left as well. He noticed people looking at him for the first time. Did he look that different? He worried that Sara would notice. What if he really looked as different as he felt?
    *   *   *
    Sara hadn’t been able to keep her mind on the lecture. She would have to borrow someone else’s notes for the first time. Hers had large gaps when she wasn‘t listening, lost in reliving Joshua’s kisses, the feel of his arms around her and the way he looked at her. She thought about him all night and couldn’t wait to see him again. The intensity of her feelings scared her. Her heart skipped a beat when she

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