The Crystal Visions: A Families Journey into the Paranormal Volume 2

The Crystal Visions: A Families Journey into the Paranormal Volume 2 by Bonnie Somerville Page B

Book: The Crystal Visions: A Families Journey into the Paranormal Volume 2 by Bonnie Somerville Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Somerville
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destroy them first!” Shaley spat. Naomi took a deep breath and looked her young friend directly in the eyes. “Emma told me about feeling like something dark and cold pulled her under the water and that you held on and wouldn’t let go.” Naomi said.
              Shaley nodded. “Honey the reason you were able to retrieve her was not because of your anger but the love you have for her.” Naomi explained. Shaley blinked a few times absorbing this information. “There are only two real emotions… Love and Fear. All others are derivatives of those. Hatred, anger, revenge or jealousy, they’re all aspects of fear… fear of loss. Humans fear loss of love, status, prestige, power, money or a million other things.” Naomi told her. “The reason you were able to help your sister was your love and devotion to her. Love which is also described by spiritualists as Light will kick fears ass every time. Darkness and shadow cannot exist in Light. Remember that.” Naomi concluded smiling at her.
              Shaley smiled at hearing Naomi curse. She didn’t use expletives very often so when she did you sat up and listened. Shaley took another deep breath sighing loudly once more. She could almost feel a weight being lifted from her shoulders. After a few minutes Naomi stood up and Shaley followed suit. “Next time you’re not going to show do me a favor and give me a quick call. I was worried about what might have happened to you. Then I just felt stupid sitting there alone.” Naomi gave Shaley’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “I will.  I’m sorry Naomi.” Shaley replied. Naomi retreated toward the Cemetery’s back lot to visit her daughter Sunny. ~
              Shaley continued to stand under the ol d oak staring across the Magnetewan. She watched as two young people walked hand in hand along the opposite bank. When Shaley looked closer she could see they were wearing old style clothes from the 1920’s. They both turned in her direction smiling broadly and waved. She lifted her own hand and waved back. Something had shifted and she knew in her heart it was a very good thing. ~
              Sona and Markie had spent the day cleaning up the meeting room at the back of the old church. Sona had found having Spencer come over after school each day a very rewarding experience and it made her think about going back to work as an Educational Assistant for special needs children. She hadn’t been able to find work in her field since they’d moved north but she had to admit she missed the kids. It had occurred to her that an afterschool program for some of the local kids might be a worthwhile endeavor. Since she’d met Spencer Sona had met several higher functioning teenagers that didn’t quite fit into the usual day care situation.
              Markie figured they had the space so she suggested they fix up the meeting room. The Church had its own independent washroom and kitchen which would serve their purpose very well. The space was able to accommodate two couches and assorted seating, an activity table, desks with computers with appropriate programs, TV, video games and a small refrigerator for snacks and drinks. They’d found much of the furniture they needed at a local thrift shop along with a couple area rugs they had thoroughly cleaned. The room was cleaned, painted and staged and it looked smashing. Sona was remarkably pleased with their progress.
              Sona had spoken with the parents and guardians of seven children including Spencer. Connor had Downs Syndrome, three boys Brandon, Taehoon and Reuben were Autistic, a very pleasant and helpful young lady named Elizabeth had lea rning difficulties and Irene had some undefined behavioral problems rounded out the group. Sona stood back and admired their handiwork. Markie smiled at her lover. She enjoyed seeing Sona knee deep in a project. “I think it looks wonderful sweetie.” Markie said. “I think so too.

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