The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell by Douglas Howell Page B

Book: The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell by Douglas Howell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Douglas Howell
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his throat. It was a tense moment as the Founder threatened to cut his throat if his partner doesn’t remove the clip and put the gun down. After his partner removed the clip, put the gun down, and then slide the gun across the floor, the Founder then back away into the darkness with his hostage. With a cruel silent sound, the detective watched as his partner came forward out of the darkness with his throat cut. His throat was not cut deep enough to kill him, but rather to slow him down a bit. Later, the Founder caught him again. Once again he crept up behind and grab him around the neck. He held him in such a way that if he wanted to, he could have snapped his neck - but he didn’t. The detective was afraid for his life, trying to cry out for his partner who was down the darken hall. Since his throat was cut, he couldn’t cry out loudly enough to be heard. The Founder then said, ‘Shhh. Give me your gun.’ The detective gave him his gun, and the Founder then dressed his wound. He then slipped away back into the darkness, removing the clip from the gun, and dropping both of them, leaving the detective perplexed by his actions.
      Did the Founder of the EOD do that out of compassion? Sadly no. The way in which the Founder treated those two detectives proves how little compassion he had. At one point the Founder shot one of them in the face, then in the right knee causing him to fall down. His partner than ran up to help him, firing at the Founder who was walking around a corner, but the detective missed him. When he got to his partner, the Founder suddenly appeared from around the corner and stood there. The detective started to yell at him to get down on the ground, but the Founder wouldn’t. Instead the Founder said, ‘Click,’ and then he started to walk around the corner again. The detective then pulled the trigger and nothing happened. As he started to reload his gun, the Founder appeared from around the corner again, and this time he shot the detective right above one of his knees.
      Their first confrontation with the Founder should have told them that it would have been in their best interest to call for backup. They decided to split up and search for the Founder, not knowing if he was armed or not, but thinking that they could handle him either way. One of them went down a darken hallway, confident that he will captured the asshole who killed the woman that he knew for so long. As he walked by one of the darken spots in the hallway, the Founder hit him in the back of the head with a lead pipe - but not enough to knock him out. The Founder then hit him in the back of the left knee, and before he dropped to his knees, the Founder than hit him in the chest causing the detective to fall backwards. The Founder than used the lead pipe to knock the gun out of the detective right hand. The detective cried out in pain, luckily for him his hand wasn’t broken. When his partner got to him he told him which way the Founder went. He then ran into the darken area where the Founder went. Although the area was not that brightly lit, he ran in there anyway without a flashlight. He then heard the most fearful sound in that room, the sound that said; somebody is ready to shoot him with a shotgun. The detective turned in the direction of the sound, only to feel the impact of the shotgun blast. Still standing after being shot, he heard the Founder come up to him, and with the butt of the shotgun, hit him in the face knocking him out cold. The Founder then left the area and went over to the other police detective who was crawling over to his gun. When the Founder got to him, he shot him in the back with the shotgun. Luckily for both of them, they where wearing their body armor. And so it went for both of them throughout the night, being terrorized by the Founder of the EOD.
      When it was all over, the two detectives awoke in their car. They found that their feet was tied together, and their hands where bound behind their back,

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