The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell by Douglas Howell Page A

Book: The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell by Douglas Howell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Douglas Howell
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finished washing his hair. As he started to grab the soap and washcloth, he remember something that he learned about the Founder of the EOD, when he first joined Project 21, and never gave it much thought. It was an incident that occurred way back in the 1990s. He remembered it because of the thought of all of those Christians who called the Founder the anti-Christ. Ramirez thought to himself that the title is fitting, not only because he founded the EOD, but also because of that incident.
      As so typical with trying to uncover any information concerning the Founder of the EOD, blood has to be spill - lots of it. But out of all of the information that was collected on him, it is the incident that Ramirez is thinking about which is the closest (that anybody knows about) that anybody came to capturing him. It can be confirmed that the incident did in fact occurred. But the documents that can help someone track down the place, the time, and the people involved, is missing. It is another hallmark of the Founder. But as the incident proves, the Founder does not need any protection. He can take care of himself quite well.
      It was nighttime in some city in America. It is not known what led the two police detectives to the scene. Some of the people in Project 21 thought that it might have been murder. After all, the Founder did comment murder (and got away with it) before he founded the EOD It is not known how many people he killed, but some people said that it is more than likely that he killed at least eight. What made the Founder the most unique serial killer of them all came from a psychological report that a psychiatrist, working for the EOD, did on him. It basically said that, although he can kill without remorse (it did say that he killed before), there was nothing within him that drives him to comment murder. The report said that he underwent both an MRI, and a CAT scan, and both said that he has very good impulse control, in short, a normal brain. When it comes to other serial killers they have a poor impulse control.
      What that told Project 21 (when they acquired that report at a very high price), is that he is an extremely rare serial killer. Other people put it more bluntly, ‘It just proves how inhuman he really is.’ The only other person that Project 21 knows, who can kill humans without remorse, at the same time still possessing good impulse control, is Vaistll. But that is because she is an extraterrestrial, not a human being. Chimpanzees share 98% of their DNA with humans, which practically make them human. But despite that fact, look at what humans do to them that they would never do to another human being. How could they do that to another being that is almost human? It is because you don’t kill your own kind, its nature’s way. With Vaistll it makes sense why she can kill humans without remorse, she’s an ET. But with the Founder of the EOD it doesn’t make any sense, he IS a human being, not some ET from another planet.
      As the two police detectives arrived at the abandoned building they heard a familiar voice - a police psychic that assisted them in some of their cases. When they found her, she was near death. She said something to them before she died, but they didn’t give it much thought due to her strong religious convictions. All she said was, ‘He is the anti-Christ. Oh my God, he is…’ With the sound of the blood gurgling at the back of her throat, she breathes her last. And with that, the nightmare begins for both of those two detectives.
      Throughout the long night it was those two detectives that were terrorize by the Founder. It is not known why they couldn’t, or wouldn’t, call for backup, or for a medic, but they really needed both as the night wore on. For a brief period of time, they thought that they had the upper hand, but they quickly learned the hard way that they didn’t. At one point the Founder held one of them hostage, he was standing behind him with a knife to

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