The Cowboy's Gamble: Destined For Love Series

The Cowboy's Gamble: Destined For Love Series by Janelle Denison

Book: The Cowboy's Gamble: Destined For Love Series by Janelle Denison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Denison
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Erotic
in his voice wove through her, reaching places she didn’t want him to touch. A part of her wanted to put their differences aside and make the best of bad situation, but she was a woman who didn’t do anything halfway. When she gave, it was with her heart and soul.
    Seth had the ability to crush both.
    “You got what you wanted Seth, and my father got his wish, too.” she said quietly. “Half of the Golden M is yours, and we’re married. There was nothing in that stipulation that stated we had to be friends, too.”
    He crossed his arms loosely over his chest. “It would make the years ahead more pleasant, not to mention making things more comfortable for your daughter.”
    “Why would you care about Kellie?” she asked, bristling like a protective mother cub. “For all I know you hate her as much as you do me.”
    “I don’t hate her, Josie.” His mouth thinned in irritation. “She’s an innocent child, and had no control over the circumstances of her birth.”
    “You mean she had no control over her parentage , don’t you?” She couldn’t hold back the provocation in her tone.
    “Yeah, I guess I do,” he said, shocking her by candidly accepting her challenge. “Do you know who he is, Josie?”
    A jolt of panic seized her, and her fingers curled around the armrests on her chair. His bold question ripped to the heart of her, and without thinking she pressed a hand to her chest as if he were physically prying open a ten year old secret. She hadn’t meant for things to go so far; she’d only intended to goad him and possibly anger him enough to put some much needed distance between them.
    She was quickly learning that he wasn’t a man easily diverted. From across the room, he appeared ruthless in his quest for the absolute facts.
    “Who’s the father, Josie?” he prompted.
    Knowing he’d never believe the truth, and unwilling to drag her daughter into any resulting unpleasantness, she grappled for a ambiguous, sarcastic reply. “Why, Seth, I have no idea who the father might be,” she said, tossing a flippant smile his way. “I slept with so many guys that just about anyone in your senior class could have been a candidate.”
    He flinched, as if her words had the same impact as a slap across his cheek. Once he recovered from her offensive statement, his gaze narrowed and he studied her face intensely, as if searching past the surface for clues she wasn’t revealing. Dread and terror clashed within her. She didn’t want to answer the new questions leaping to life in his eyes, didn’t want to get trapped into a web of her own making.
    Feeling extremely vulnerable under his scrutiny, she pushed away from her desk and stood. “I should head up to the house and get dinner ready,” she said, scrambling for an excuse to gracefully bow out of the subject she’d brought up. She headed toward the office door, but before she could escape Seth reached out and snagged her arm, stopping her progress.
    His fingers burned her skin; his eyes bore into hers. “It doesn’t matter to me who Kellie’s father is. What matters is does your daughter harbor the same hatred for me that you do?”
    How could he ask such a question after the way her daughter had taken to him? She searched his gaze, and beyond all the dark, angry emotions she’d provoked moments ago was something infinitely tender. Something kind and gentle she was powerless to resist.
    Seth wanted her daughter’s acceptance as much as Kellie wanted his.
    Her heart tugged in two different directions. Ultimately, she couldn’t bring herself to deny him, or her daughter, something so important. “No, Seth,” she whispered, forcing back the tears rasping her throat. “Kellie doesn’t hate you at all.”
    He slowly released her arm, letting his fingers gradually fall away from her sensitized skin. “Thank you,” he said, and judging by the relief playing over his expression, she knew he meant it.

Chapter Six

    J osie stared at the scene before

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