The Cowbear's Curvy Valentine (Curvy Bear Ranch 5)
    Abby couldn’t help but smile when she put it that way.
    “You should go talk to him,” Madison said. “He was very upset.”
    “I can’t.” Abby shook her head. “I was only planning on staying here for the week so that I could get my head together.”
    “I heard about the trial. It wasn’t your fault,” Madison said.
    Abby’s head snapped up. “He told you?”
    “A little bit.”
    “He shouldn’t have said anything,” Abby said.
    “It’s been in the newspaper. I already knew the basics, he just filled me in on the details.”
    “It wasn’t his story to tell,” Abby said. Anger churned in her gut. She’d revealed a lot of personal information to Cody. How much had he told Madison? “I need to talk to him. Where is he?”
    “He’s probably up in his room at the main house,” Madison said.
    Abby eyed her suitcase. She should pick it up, get in the car, and leave. That would be the prudent thing to do. But a thread of connection tugged at her heart. She couldn’t leave without giving him a piece of her mind. And… she couldn’t leave without seeing him one more time.

    Chapter 9
    Abby banged on the door to Cody’s bedroom. “I know you’re in there.”
    The door swung open to reveal the disheveled man. How could he look so rumpled and sexy at the same time? He had a terrible case of bed head and his shirt was wrinkled in a hundred places.
    As her gaze dropped lower, she sucked in a breath. He wasn’t wearing anything under the shirt. She looked away.
    Dammit, focus!
    She was supposed to be mad at him for talking to Madison about the trial. But it was hard to be angry with someone who could make her wetter than a river. She pressed her thighs together in an attempt to stop the rush of desire from flowing into her sex. Too late. She’d never met a man who could get her so completely aroused so quickly.
    “Come in.” Cody stepped back to let her in.
    After crossing the threshold, she folded her arms over her chest. In the center of the room sat a large bed. Long logs made up the frame. The blankets were pulled back, exposing the forest green sheets. Across the room, a matching dresser littered with framed photographs butted up against the window.
    She moved closer to get a better look and picked up a black and white photo of a couple wearing 1960’s clothing. The woman sported a beehive hairstyle, large pouty pink lips and a tie-dyed dress.
    “My mom,” Cody said.
    “She’s beautiful.”
    “She was.”
    “She died?”
    “Several years ago.”
    “I’m sorry.” She set the photo down.
    “I thought you were leaving,” he said.
    “I am.”
    “Then why are you here?”
    “You had no right to talk to Madison about the trial.” She turned to confront him. “I told you some very private things.”
    “I didn’t tell her much,” he said defensively.
    “You should have told me you’re a bear before we had sex.” She stalked forward and poked her finger against his chest.
    He grabbed her hand. “Hey, you wanted a fling. I gave it to you. Don’t try to twist what happened between us.”
    “You lied to me,” she snapped.
    He pulled her hard against his chest. “You need to calm down.”
    “Or what?” she asked.
    Cody’s eyes flashed a warning, but she didn’t care. The frustration she’d kept contained all week exploded with each forced exhale. His gaze dropped to her parted lips. She opened her mouth to protest, but before she could say a word, he crushed his lips against hers.
    She moaned while feebly pounding on his chest with her fists. She couldn’t be angry at him if he was kissing her. In fact, she couldn’t do anything but melt against his solid frame. As her hands slid up and tangled in his hair, he reached for her butt. He scooped her up and walked toward the closest wall. When he pressed her against it, she gasped.
    “Cody, I can’t…”
    “I need you, Abby. I can’t lose you right now,” he said in a tortured voice.
    “This isn’t

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