The Cop Killer
would be much easier”. I wonder if you might just help me with something”.
    “Of course, if I can” replied Quinten.
    “It may seem a strange request Quinten but I wonder if you have had any suspicious deaths among your officers recently?”
    “I can answer that immediately, no, none at all,” replied Chief Constable Johns.
    “Well that is something I was starting to wonder”.
    “”Anything suspicious going on Christian or is it Home Office bullshit statistics again?”
    “No, it doesn’t matter, if you haven’t had a death amongst your officers especially in the young, fit and healthy that is it”.
    “No nothing suspicious here, in fact the only death we have had was a natural cause.
     A young officer from the mounted branch collapsed and died at Chorlton Lake some short while ago.” 
    “Nothing to suggest it was a crime, no injuries, we did think at first it was a suicide by drowning but it turned out to be natural causes some type of rare heart attack.”
    “Oh I see, interesting”.
    “Is there a problem Christian?”
    “Anything I ought to know about”.
    “No nothing at the moment, thank you for your help”.
    The call ended.
    Sid Watkiss a retired police traffic officer who showed no visible eye problems had been driving the various Inspectors of Constabulary for that region for five years so was not only a very experienced driver but knew the routes to most places, more importantly he knew the ropes of the job so to speak.
    He guessed but did not comment that although his current boss Mr Woodcock had not said much about the deaths of these young officers seemingly fit and well albeit recorded as natural causes he was likely to raise a question or two.
    Chief Constable Quinten Johns did not like problems or any suggestions of large enquiries or work.
    He had no leave planned so anything likely to blow up would fall to him directly not his deputy or assistant.
    He turned over his telephone contacts book, picked up the phone and dialled the number.
    “Hello Chief Superintendent Mary Harris”
    “Hello Mary the Chief here, may I ask if there were any further brick bats from the death of the mounted officer, sorry I don’t recall his name, it was a male officer I think?”
     “Yes Sir, Rick Masterton, no nothing. The Coroner was happy with natural causes; he signed the death certificate as natural causes.” 
    “The welfare officer visited the next of kin, the funeral went ahead Ok as you recall, and we picked up the bill, as it was death on duty.  No sir all straight forward is there a problem?”
    “No Mary, no it’s just something the HMI mentioned but in view of what you say it is nothing, I am sorry to bother you.”
    “No problem sir”, she replied
    The call was ended, Quinten Johns could relax once again after all he had only had a passing brief on the case involving this Rick fellow.
    The normal meeting at the Home Office went well and on completion, the normal final question put by the Home Secretary, “Gentlemen and ladies anything under any other business?”
    There was silence for a moment then Woodcock spoke “There is one matter it may be of no relevance whatsoever but due to its unusual nature I thought to raise it”.
    “By all means Mr Woodcock please do,” replied The Right Honourable Royston Bentley, current Crown Minister for Home Affairs, or Home Secretary for the more uneducated.
    “Well Sir, ladies and gentlemen, during my recent inspections of the forces in my area it was casually brought to my attention that several uniformed police officers have been found dead whilst on duty.  There are I admit no suspicious circumstances in any case”. 
    “No injuries or circumstances to indicate foul play or that any crime has been committed. The cause of all the deaths after post mortem was natural causes.” 
    “The officers, from different forces, as far as I am aware were not connected with each other.”
    “They were apparently all young and were fit and

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