The Contract: Sunshine

The Contract: Sunshine by Shiree McCarver Page B

Book: The Contract: Sunshine by Shiree McCarver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shiree McCarver
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side.  The long t-shirt rode up but not enough to see the sexy lace etched lavender panties he spotted last night while she was sleeping on the couch.
    “Hmm.  Almost done,” she murmured.
    So I am , he thought.   “I’m done with all this talking.”
    “You like yours while they’re hot?”
    “Oh, yeah.”  He nodded with a big grin.
    “I will give it to you, but you really should let it cool at least a little bit or the chocolate will burn your tongue.”
    He only got the words “chocolate” and “tongue.”  Both sounded very sexy to him.  Sunshine’s chocolate and his tongue.  What a heady thought.  The crotch of his jeans tightened and he shifted from one but t cheek to the other on the bench of the breakfast nook where he sat.
    She stood and placed her hand on her lower back and stretched backwards until her naked nipples beneath his t-shirt blossomed large and succulent.  His mouth w a tered.
    Her feet padded softly to the refrigerator and she removed a carton of milk.  Moving to the cabinet where he kept the glasses, she ros e on her tiptoes and the t-shirt rode high.  This time he caught a glimpse of all her thighs and the beginning swell of her butt chee k s where her undies had ridden up. 
    Yoon found himself drifting to the side as if doing so would allow him to see more than what was logically possible in her current pos i tion.
    His chin practically kissed the corner of the table when he was saved from making a complete fool of himself by the shirt falling back down into place.  The sound of the two glass tumblers softly being placed on the counter next to the milk carton was heard in the quiet room.  It was so quiet he was surprised she didn’t hear his heavy breat h ing.
    Clearing his throat, he picked up his fork and jabbed at what was left of the eggs and shoved a bite into his mouth.  It wasn’t nearly as a p pealing now that it was cold.
    Ding !  Yoon jumped as the stove’s oven timer sounded.  He was strung so tight he was going to have to go and take a very cold shower and pray that it helped.
    “Next batch of cookies are ready!”  She announced cheerfully.
    Yoon rolled his eyes.  Cookies for goodness sakes!  And it wasn’t the kind of cookies he hoped to be snacking on this morning.  He was more interested in what her cookies tasted like.  
    She couldn’t be a paid escort, he reasoned.  Did escorts bake cookies and cook breakfast like a 5-star chef?  He looked down at his plate.  She had even decorated the side of the plate with curly green stuff like one would find in a restaurant. 
    As a matter of fact, why did he have this curly green stuff in his refrigerator?  His last housekeeper never served him a plate that was d e corated.
    He needed to take inventory of his own kitchen.  He rarely went in the kitchen except to get something to drink out of the refrigerator.  This was the first time in the three years he lived in this particular co n dominium that he sat down and ate a meal in the breakfast nook area.
    Yoon usually ate in his office or on the sofa in front of the telev i sion when he was alone and in the formal dining room when he had guests. 
    He was stunned Sunshine had found the ingredients she needed in his pantry to make the chocolate chip cookies.  Why would his last housekeeper purchase chocolate chips?  Brown sugar?  If she had been baking cookies for an y one, it wasn’t for him.  Maybe she just never got around to making them.  He did keep her busy with his impromptu di n ner and cocktail parties and his friends were definitely not the cookie s types. 
    “Yes?”  With oven mitts, she placed the hot pan of cookies on a waiting rooster shaped black iron trivet.
    “My housekeeper of all things?” he asked suspiciously.  “Why?”
    “Why not?”  Her eyebrows lifted in question.  “Okay I will be honest with you.  As of tomorrow, I will officially hit my rock bottom.  I had an eviction notice on my door

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