The Contract: Sunshine

The Contract: Sunshine by Shiree McCarver Page A

Book: The Contract: Sunshine by Shiree McCarver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shiree McCarver
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to take care of her as the answer to her prayers. 
    Yoon let out a resigned sigh.  What great timing.  If he felt any guilt about blackmailing Sunshine, it all fell to the way side because now he had the chance to be her hero and save her, he imagined, and her mother who set her up on that date from poverty.
    Feeling better about his decision, Yoon relaxed and his eyes closed into another yawn.  If Sunshine continues pretending to be his fiancée, he would make it worth her while.  Neither of them would have to go on another blind date again.  There was no way she would turn him down.

Chapter 6
    Because I am a man...
    “You want to be my what?”  Yoon choked.
    The fork he held hovering over the half eaten plate of eggs benedict with its rich butter and lemon sauce, ham and English mu f fins hit the side of the plate with a clank.
    “I want to be your new live in housekeeper,” Sunshine repeated from her vigil next to the oven where she waited for a second batch of chocolate chips cookies.  “It would be strictly professional of course.  I promise no more of what happened between us yesterday.  I don’t know what had come over me.”  She looked away from him.
    “I didn’t mind,” he murmured but in his head he yelled: I want more of yesterday !  His eyes feasted on her shapely legs peaking from beneath his oversized t-shirt that came to her knees.
    Yoon also noted she had well maintained feet and fire engine red toenails which he gave her extra points for.  He had dated some of the most beautiful women in the world only to be disappointed to see they had very unattractive feet.
    “I wish I could blame it on too much wine at dinner,” she was saying when his eyes trailed back up to her face.  “But that would be a lie.”
    Her lips turned up at the corners and he unconsciously smiled too.  What is it about you that warms me, Sunshine ?  I wish it had been the wine then I could get you drunk again so we can finish where we left off yesterday in the car .   He released a resigned sign as she continued to explain away her actions.
    “I’m afraid I was doing what I always do when I’m frustrated and upset.  I turn to sex to make me feel better,” Sunshine was saying.  “I promised myself I wouldn’t be like my mother and there I go behaving badly.  This is why my grandmother wants nothing to do with me until I accept responsibility for my actions.”
    “Is that why you agreed to the date with the preacher last night?”  Yoon asked.
    Sunshine picked up one of the chocolate chip cookies that had already cooled.  “My mother’s bright idea.”   Leaning against the kitchen island, she broke the cookie in half.  “She thinks my dating a preacher will really please my grandmother.”  She took a bite from one of the cookie halves.
    “What do you think?”
    She finished chewing and swallowed before she spoke.  “I think my mother is an idiot and that preacher last night proved my point.”
    Yoon had to agree, but he wasn’t prepared to call her mother an idiot aloud.  Sometimes people didn’t appreciate the op i nions of others when it came to their family.  Besides, he didn’t really know enough about her mother or her family to pass judgment.  
    However, he did think they should be ashamed for not being the type of family Sunshine could call on when she found herself in trouble.  If they were, he wouldn’t have been able to blackmail her into hel p ing him.
    He watched in silence as she finished the cookie and brushed her palms together as if she was brushing away the crumbs.  His eyes fo l lowed her movements as she opened the oven and peeped inside at the next batch of cookies that was baking.
    His eyes smoldered with fire.  She shifted from foot to foot and her toes wiggled against the temperature controlled tiled flooring.  It was as if she was hearing a tune in her head that he wasn’t privy to that caused her sexy round bottom to wiggle from side to

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