The Contract

The Contract by Sarah Fisher

Book: The Contract by Sarah Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Fisher
Tags: home_sex
metallic rings through her nipples, stroking her belly with long fingers.
    In spite of herself, to her horror, Emily felt his touch light a beacon in her belly. The brush of his tongue sent a shard of silvery sparks through her mind. As he tipped her face towards him and pressed his lips to hers she was stunned to realise she was relishing her forced submission. His kisses were tender and exploratory, like a real lover. She moaned as his fingers stroked the delicate skin where the lips of her sex met.
    The guard pulled away sharply, his face contorted into a lecherous leer. "Don't tell me you don't want me to touch you. Look at yourself."
    Emily blushed and dropped her gaze. Her nipples had swollen and hardened, flushed crimson with need – and her sex – she shivered. She knew she was getting wet but knew that it didn't matter how wet she was – the guard had other plans. He pushed her toward the bed and rolled her over onto her belly, securing her hands to the bed frame. She began to tremble, unable to fight him. Her mind was a mass of contradictions. She didn't want what was going to follow – or did she? Her body was telling her something else, part of her was aching to feel his touch, his lips – she cried out as he ran a finger along her spine.
    "Get up on all fours," he said flatly.
    If she expected him to be quick and furtive about his plans she was wrong. He moved around her, cupping and touching her breasts, stroking her belly with cool invasive fingers. She closed her eyes.
    His clinical appraisal was exciting her beyond all belief and knowing that he was looking, touching, exploring, made her flesh quiver. She had no choice, she had to submit to whatever he had planned and the knowledge excited some dark submissive creature that lurked in her mind.
    He turned his attentions to her sex, rubbing a finger into the groove of her lips, sliding beneath the ring, seeking out her pleasure bud. She let out an excited sob as he brushed it, tempered with fear that he would dislodge the ring.
    She gave a throaty gasp as he climbed onto the bed behind her, fingers fiddling with the straps that held the dildo in place.
    She had expected him to take the harness off but instead she just felt the relief as the stretcher slid out. She sighed as her muscles eased. Behind her the guard grunted softly. She felt him moving closer, his breath on her back and lower still on her buttocks.
    What happened next astonished her; his tongue slid darkly between the gaping lips of her quim. He dipped into her, lapping and sucking, fingers lifting to join it.
    Emily was stunned. She felt her body respond, moving with his touch, seeking out his attentions. She eased herself back to chase his tongue, pushing herself back to meet him. She began to shiver, praying that he wouldn't disappoint her.
    The man chuckled. The sound was softened and distorted by her flesh. When she felt his fingers moving back to stroke the tight bruised bud of her anus she resisted, stiffening, suddenly afraid.
    "Don't fight me," the man whispered thickly. "Remember, lady, I won you, and I'm going to have you. I'm going to bury my cock so deep in you, make you scream out for more." His finger slid into her and she gasped as her body closed gratefully around him.
    "Please," she begged, "No, please I'll do anything -"
    He laughed. "Too right you will." His finger eased out slowly. Over her shoulder she heard the sound of him climbing down off the bed – and the unnerving muffled sounds of clothes being removed.
    She could sense his eyes on her body and imagined what the pictures were that he was seeing. Her sex was gaping, slick and hungry, her breasts were flushed and her back was striped with the mark of Leonora's whip. She had seen the way the ring between Kai's legs glittered as she moved. Was that what this man could see; the flash and glitter of invitation?
    She swallowed hard as he moved closer. She could feel the heat of his body, smell his musky male odours.

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