The Consequences of Forever (1)
                  I opened the door and stepped into our bedroom, surprised to find Hannah sitting at the edge of my bed, head bowed, her back facing me. I would have thought she’d be jumping around the room by now, ready for the boys to arrive, anxious for her sort-of first date with Nolan Reeves.
                  I dropped my dirty clothes into the hamper and walked over to where she sat, sitting next to her. “What’s up?” I asked, fixing a strand of hair that had fallen into her face. “Feeling nervous?”
                  “What’s this, Lainey?” She asked instead, lifting her eyes up to meet mine. I glanced down at her hands, and my heart sunk.
                  “Why were you going through my drawers?” I asked, somehow hoping I could change the subject and stall the inevitable.
                  “Don’t give me that, Lainey. What is this?” She demanded. I took the pregnancy test from her hand and placed it on the bed behind us. I didn’t want to look at it, and I didn’t want her looking at it, either.
                  “Is it yours?” She persisted, and for the briefest of moments, I considered lying. I could tell her it was Teagan’s, and that I was just holding it for her, so that Nora didn’t come across it when she cleaned the room. It was a believable lie, but I couldn’t do that to Hannah. The truth was going to come out sooner or later, and it would hurt a lot worse if she knew I’d lied to her.
                  “Yeah,” I said instead. “It’s mine.”
                  “And it’s positive?” Her eyes were growing wider by the moment, and I forced myself to look away.
                  “How?” She demanded. “When?”
                  I smiled faintly. “The normal way, I guess, and I don’t know when.” My attempt at a sense of humor was lost on her.
                  “Why didn’t you tell me?”
                  “I was going to. I just hadn’t found the right time…” That was mostly the truth. I assumed I would tell Hannah at some point, I just hadn’t really considered when.
                  “Does Adam know?” She asked. “It is his, right? You and Scott never…” She let her voice trail off, as if she didn’t want to finish that particular sentence.
                  I shook my head adamantly. “No, definitely not. It’s Adam’s.”
                  “Does he know?”
                  I nodded again. “Yeah, he knows. I told him Saturday.”
                  Realization crossed Hannah’s face. “That was why you were up here for so long during the fundraiser,” she said. “I thought you were just making out or something, hiding from everyone.” She shook her head in disbelief. “How long have you known?”
                  “Just over a week. I found out last Thursday.”
                  She wrinkled her nose. “Halloween? But you acted so normal. You’ve acted normal all week! Well, a little spaced out, but you get like that sometimes. I didn’t think it meant anything.”
                  “I know.” I picked up the test and headed back to the dresser, burying it back where it belonged. Thankfully, Nora refused to clean our room, insisting it was the one place in the house we had to be solely responsible for.
                  “You and Adam… you never even told me!” Hannah exclaimed, now starting to sound a little angry. I wondered if there were certain steps people went through when they found out someone was pregnant, like the grieving process.
                  I sat back down, facing her this time. “I know, and I’m sorry I never told you. I just didn’t know how.”
                  She shook her head, clearly not believing

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