The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club

The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club by Lexi Eddings

Book: The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club by Lexi Eddings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexi Eddings
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ticket. It would be like an alcoholic thinking he can stop with one drink.”
    He opened his mouth, but then closed it without speaking. In all honesty, he couldn’t make that promise. Just the thought of never feeling the high of winning again made him take an involuntary step back.
    Maybe he was no better than Lester. Abuse came in lots of disguises. Landing his family on the street was as bad as leaving bruises where they didn’t show.
    And maybe the damage was slower to heal.
    Anne gently pushed his hand aside and opened the door. “Well, that tells me what I need to know.”
    â€œBut I didn’t say anything.”
    â€œExactly.” She went into the house and hooked the screen door between them. “I don’t know why you’re still here, Daniel.”
    â€œI’m here because I want you back, Anne. I love you.”
    â€œYou have a funny way of showing it.” She swallowed hard. “I heard your old girlfriend is back in town.”
    â€œSo someone made it their business to let me know you’ve been to see her.”
    Daniel closed his eyes and silently counted to ten.
    â€œI swear, if gossip were an Olympic sport, Coldwater Cove would take the gold every time. Whoever told you I’ve been to see Lacy is not your friend,” he said.
    â€œSo it’s not true?” The hope in her eyes made his chest constrict.
    â€œNo, it’s true, but it’s not what you think.”
    Heather Walker was probably the one who’d made sure Anne knew he’d seen his ex. She lived in an apartment over Gewgaws and Gizzwickies, same as Lacy. On the night he’d dropped by, Heather had been out on the iron deck the two units shared, watering a tub of newly planted petunias. The sidelong look she’d shot him was so cool, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.
    â€œMy visit to Lacy was totally innocent, honest,” he said. “I was just checking on her. She’s been through some tough stuff back east, you know.”
    Anne crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh, did someone gamble away her house, too?”
    â€œHer dad asked me to stop by, so I did. Just to see if she’s all right.”
    â€œAnd is she?”
    Lacy was better than all right. She made him feel like he was eighteen again, when everything was sharp-edged and full of fire and so wretchedly important. When he looked at Lacy, he could still smell the tang of sweetgrass wafting in a breeze off the lake. He could feel the red earth beneath his back as the stars wheeled in a slow dance across the night sky. Lacy tempted him sorely, especially since he and Anne were on the outs.
    But Lacy wasn’t his wife. He’d vowed to be faithful to Anne until he was dust. If he did nothing else right in this life, he wanted to stay true to that vow.
    Daniel had been almost relieved when Jake arrived and gave him a reason to make a clean getaway. A man couldn’t be held to account for what he thought about, for what he was tempted by, but guilt stabbed him in the gut over thinking and being tempted all the same.
    â€œI took a vow to love you, Anne, and only you,” he said. “I haven’t broken that promise.”
    Her chin quivered and her eyes glistened, but she was determined enough not to let a tear fall. Still, he could see she’d been afraid he was unfaithful. She couldn’t depend on him. He felt as low as the soles of his boots.
    â€œI wouldn’t hurt you like that, honey,” he said, willing her to sense how much he meant it. Winning her back was going to be harder than he’d thought. He’d broken her trust in one area and now she didn’t seem able to trust him about anything. “I’ll be back tomorrow at eight-thirty to go with you to Carson’s doctor’s appointment.”
    Before she could object, he turned and strode back to the cruiser. Sometimes, it was best to withdraw from the field and live to

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