The Clue in the Diary

The Clue in the Diary by Carolyn G. Keene

Book: The Clue in the Diary by Carolyn G. Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn G. Keene
you,” the officer concluded.
    Joe Swenson shook his head vehemently. “No, I swear it! I’ll tell you everything—right from the very beginning. Raybolt seemed uneasy, as though he were afraid I’d attempt physical violence—he had a guilty conscience, all right!”
    “You argued about the invention?”
    “Yes. He admitted he had deliberately stolen my ideas, but he defied me to prove anything. That made me angry.”
    “You threatened him?”
    “I told him I would take the matter to court. Of course I didn’t have any money to engage a lawyer, but my bluff frightened Raybolt and he told me to come to the house where we could talk privately.”
    “What do you think caused the fire?” the captain asked.
    “The explosion—which nearly knocked me off my feet. I was sort of dazed for several minutes—”
    “What happened next?”
    “It came over me that if I were found near the place I might be accused of causing the fire. When I heard a car coming up the driveway, I decided to make a getaway. I scrambled through the hedge and ran into the woods.”
    “You’re sure you didn’t leave Raybolt inside on purpose?” Detective Rock asked.
    “A thousand times, no!” Mr. Swenson cried out indignantly. “I hated that man, I’ll admit, but I didn’t plot his death.”
    “Why didn’t you tell your story right away?”
    “I was afraid it would be misinterpreted. I had no idea Raybolt was missing until I read it in the newspaper.”
    The three officials took turns questioning Swenson. They quizzed him about details and time but were unable to confuse him.
    Nancy was certain that the inventor’s account was true, yet she had to acknowledge that the story sounded somewhat implausible. The fact remained that Felix Raybolt was missing and that Joe Swenson was the last person known to have an appointment with him.
    Nevertheless, the inventor’s straightforward manner had impressed the officers, and Nancy thought they were on the verge of letting him go. Felix Raybolt had been generally disliked, and it was common knowledge that he had made his fortune by ruthlessly adopting the ideas of various inventors.
    The three officials held a whispered conference, then began questioning Nancy and her friends. The girls told no more than was necessary, with Nancy stressing the story of the inventor’s lost letters and the thieving mail clerk. She put in a good word for Mr. Swenson at every opportunity, and it was apparent that she was creating a favorable impression.
    The unpleasant session was drawing to a close, with every prospect of vindication for Joe Swenson, when there was a knock at the door.
    An officer entered, addressing himself to his superior. “Mrs. Raybolt is here now. Shall I send her in?”
    As an affirmative answer was given, Nancy ex changed despairing glances with her friends. She sensed that since Mrs. Raybolt had set the detectives on Joe Swenson’s trail, the woman would create a scene. “I’m sure she’ll do all in her power to damage his case,” Nancy thought.
    Her premonition was correct. Mrs. Raybolt’s very appearance aroused the sympathy of the officials. The woman evidently had worried herself into a state bordering on nervous collapse and the sight of Joe Swenson made her distraught.
    “Can you identify him?” the police captain asked.
    Mrs. Raybolt stopped sobbing long enough to take her first good look at the prisoner. Nancy, who was watching her closely, saw uncertainty flash over her face. The young detective was convinced the woman had never seen Mr. Swenson before in her life!
    Mrs. Raybolt hesitated only an instant, then cried hysterically, “Yes, I’m sure this is the man my husband went to meet—Felix feared him. He is a heartless criminal who deliberately burned my home and plotted my husband’s death!”
    She burst into tears again and an officer led her from the room. However, the damage had been done. If the three officials had ever seriously considered freeing Swenson,

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