The Cinderella Debutante

The Cinderella Debutante by Elizabeth Hanbury Page B

Book: The Cinderella Debutante by Elizabeth Hanbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Hanbury
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Seeing that Toby wanted to speak with him, as soon as his hand was finished, Alex excused himself from the game and went over. Gil and George had moved out of earshot to watch a game of Hazard.
    “It pains me to mention it, but I’m surprised you were allowed on the premises with your cravat tied in that deplorable fashion” said Alex, studying Toby’s attempt at the Mathematical.
    “Never mind that!” whispered Toby. “Gil’s just heard that the odds have lengthened to ten to one for the heiress becoming engaged to Sneyd before the month is out. It’s said she’s showing him a cold shoulder. And Ned Geringham has told George that Sneyd is drowning his sorrows across at Brooks’ with Sir Oswald, and he’s in a foul temper.”
    Alex frowned. “I do not usually listen to gossip, but this I cannot ignore. Tell me how this information has emerged, if it true?”
    “Sir Jocelyn Gardner was at Almack’s tonight and overheard the younger Miss Sinclair saying that she had received an offer but needed to consider her reply. After that, well – you know Sir Jocelyn, never able to keep anything quiet. All over Town in a couple of hours! Explains why Sneyd is looking queer in the attic. Thought you would be interested. Besides, you’re now three to one to offer for her yourself,” he concluded with a grin.
    “Let us hope no one risks money on that improbable event,” said Alex. “How unfortunate the girl has been indiscreet.”
    His frustration at Belinda’s indiscretion was outweighed by his concern for Lucy. She was involved in a situation where an unprincipled man was growing desperate. He would not be dangled at the end of a marriage proposal for long.
    “Hmm. Seems I must make enquiries into Sneyd’s affairs.”
    “He’s a rum cove. He and Henlow mix with some shady characters,” muttered Toby. “Lady Sinclair ought to have more sense than to encourage him.”
    Alex sighed. “For Lady Sinclair to allow matters to reach this point is regrettable, but inevitable given her ambition.” A slow smile spread across his face. “On quite a different subject, thank you for organizing a trip to Richmond on Friday. An excellent idea.”
    Toby stared at him in bewilderment. “Eh? What’s that?”
    “Never mind,” said Alex with a laugh. “I’ll explain tomorrow.”
    “One more thing,” Toby murmured, a little sheepishly. “The odds are running at evens on Algy ‘Mustard’ Pottingham and Lucy Sinclair becoming engaged before the end of the Season.”
    “Is that so?” replied Alex.

Chapter Nine
    Meeting in a tavern
    The stench of stale sweat assailed Alex as he entered the tavern. It was scarcely more pleasant than the smell emanating from the filth in the alleyway outside.
    Pausing to let his eyes to adjust to the gloom, the hum of conversation died away and several pairs of eyes swiveled to stare at him. Most of the customers seemingly decided that he and the servant accompanying him were best left alone and conversation resumed. Alex made his way alone to a table whose occupant watched his approach with narrowed eyes.
    Sitting down opposite the man, Alex studied Sylvester’s drooping shoulders and sharp features.
    “Although I have arranged it, I cannot claim this meeting is a pleasure. My time is normally too valuable to waste on individuals like you, but I am here on business.”
    The moneylender’s eyes gleamed with anticipation. Alex knew what he was thinking: another member of the ton up to his neck in debts. No doubt Sylvester intended to apply his normal extortionate rates.
    “I apprehend from your expression you think I am in need of money. Let me disabuse you. I am not another green youngster who is ill-versed in the ways of the city and fallen on hard times,” drawled Alex. “I want something else from you and am prepared to pay for it.”
    The older man let out a hoarse laugh. “I knew as soon as I saw you that you were a man after my own heart. Cut to the nub of the

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