The Cherry Harvest

The Cherry Harvest by Lucy Sanna

Book: The Cherry Harvest by Lucy Sanna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Sanna
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the Hit Parade. Though Kate sat with them, Ben and Josie sang to each other as if they were alone, Ben’s strong tenor harmonizing with Josie’s husky alto. Ben put an arm around Josie’s waist and drew her to him, his eyes shining in the firelight.
    The next day, Josie arrived at the Christiansens’ dock in her father’s motorboat. Kate ran down to meet her.
    â€œBen told me you like to read,” Josie said, handing Kate a dog-eared pocketbook.
    â€œ Fanny Hill? What’s it about?”
    â€œIt’s filled with secrets,” Josie whispered conspiratorially. Before she could say more, Ben came strolling down the dock, smiling. Josie motioned for Kate to hide it. “Go and read it now.”
    Kate put it into her sweater pocket and left the two of them alone.
    Yes, it was full of secrets, and the beginning of a friendship. A loner by choice, Kate trusted Josie to advise her about intimate things she didn’t dare ask anyone else, and Kate reciprocated with information Josie sought about Ben. Now, since Ben’s departure, the two friends had become even closer.
    â€œKate!” Josie gave her a poke, bringing her back to the present. “So what attracted him to me?”
    The lighthouse beam swung out across the lake.
    Kate flicked her cigarette butt over the rail. “Maybe he was intrigued with your ways.”
    â€œWhat ways?”
    â€œI don’t know, Josie. You’ll have to ask him.” Kate didn’t want to think about what might attract Ben.
    After a short silence, Josie continued. “Does he ever say anything about me, in his letters?”
    Josie had asked this so many times, Kate merely shook her head.
    â€œYou said he likes chocolate. Brownies or chocolate chip cookies? Which do you think?”
    â€œCookies.” Katie closed her eyes. Oh, to have a chocolate chip cookie!
    â€œLet’s make them together. Come for lunch tomorrow.”
    Kate didn’t want to think about tomorrow. She just wanted to be warm in her bed.
    Josie gave Kate another poke. “You came out in this storm for a reason. You have something to tell me.”
    A raw wind blew around the lighthouse.
    â€œI don’t think this is a good time . . .” Kate hesitated. “I should get home.”
    â€œBut why did you come?”
    Might as well say it. She’d tell her eventually. “I have a math tutor, that’s all.”
    â€œA new tutor? There must be more. Are you in love?”
    â€œNo! It’s not like that at all!” Kate laughed. “I just wanted to talk with you because”—she swallowed, then whispered—“he’s a PW.”
    â€œIn your house?” Josie jerked away. “You must be joking. How could your parents ever—”
    â€œIt’s all right,” Kate said wearily. “He likes America now—”
    â€œOf course he’d say that. My father said that those Nazis are from Rommel’s panzer troops. Don’t you get it? That’s who Ben’s fighting.” She was shouting, her face contorted. “They’re professional murderers!” She jumped up. “I’m not allowed to go to your house because of those Nazis. Did you know that? Not as long as they’re on your property.”
    So that was why Josie hadn’t been over to visit.
    A light went on in the house below. Kate’s heart caught. Josie’s parents would tell Kate’s parents, and that would be the end of that.
    Josie’s eyes were wild. “Go now!”
    Kate threw off the lightkeeper’s jacket and grabbed her sodden sweaters. She ducked through the passageway and hurried down the winding steps, teeth chattering. She doesn’t understand. I have to make her understand . Kate feared losing her friend.
    Out in the yard, after pulling on the wet sweaters, she ran along the path to the channel, tears raging down her cheeks. I’ll introduce them. Yes, that’s what

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