The Cat, the Wife and the Weapon: A Cats in Trouble Mystery

The Cat, the Wife and the Weapon: A Cats in Trouble Mystery by Leann Sweeney

Book: The Cat, the Wife and the Weapon: A Cats in Trouble Mystery by Leann Sweeney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leann Sweeney
Tags: Fiction, General, Mystery & Detective, Women Sleuths
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gathering information.”
    Liam added, “The police have a job to do, Finn. They need to find out what happened to Nolan. Anything you can remember might just help us straighten out this mess.”
    “I didn’t see Nolan. At least I don’t think I did.” He stopped and I saw uncertainty on his face. He couldn’t remember.
    Finn went on, saying, “I came to this place to be with someone who gives a rat’s ass about me. Tom said I could come anytime I wanted.” Finn stared straight at Liam. “You want to know what I remember? I remember how Nolan treated me. And I’m not sorry he’s dead.”
    Oh boy. Not the best choice of words when the police had reason to suspect him of a crime. I was sitting on the floor with Merlot, whose keen interest in Yoshi had not waned, and my body tensed after Finn said this. My cat’s claws dug into my knees and then retracted in response to my body language. Merlot looked up at me with concern.
    Tom’s uneasiness was evident, as well, and he said, “You didn’t kill him, though. No matter what you can or cannot remember, I know you didn’t.”
    Candace said, “Maybe we should let Finn talk.”
    Finn raised his chin. “Tom’s right. I may have hated Nolan, but I wouldn’t kill him. I wouldn’t kill anyone.”
    I believed him and I hoped Candace felt the sincerity that seemed so evident to me. I said, “The doctor said you will never remember parts of yesterday.” I glanced around at the people in the room. “You can check with the doctor if you want, but those were his words. It doesn’t mean Finn hurt anyone during that period of time. Concussions don’t change who he is.”
    “You can take that to the bank, Candace,” Tom said. “This is a good kid who had the courage to leave a bad situation.”
    Candace said, “I understand. Doesn’t change the fact we need answers. A man has still been murdered, and I need to find his killer. If Finn can’t remember anything, I need to do more investigating, find out if anyone saw Finn during the hours he seems to have lost. I sure as heck want to find out how he got the head injury.”
    Liam stood, and Candace followed his lead. He said, “I think we’re done here. You’ve had a long trip, Finn. So far, we don’t have any evidence indicating you harmed your stepfather, so don’t—”
    “ Stepfather ? I never called him anything that included the word father . He was just Nolan.” Finn paused before saying, “Does my mother know what happened to him?”
    Candace nodded. “She’s on her way from North Carolina.”
    Finn hung his head. “Great. Just great.”
    “It’s okay,” I said. “Maybe you won’t have to see her.”
    Liam said, “Tom, we need the gun. Should Candace get a warrant, or will you hand it over?”
    Tom’s jaw tightened. “I said I’d cooperate as long as you give this kid a chance. He’s not your bad guy.” Tom’s gaze hadn’t wavered from Finn. He sounded more than a little testy, and I noted that his eyes were still bloodshot. He hadn’t gotten any rest last night aside from the nap he mentioned—or in the nights before when he was trapped in North Carolina, for that matter.
    “There’s something else.” Finn looked at me. “Did you tell them about the blood on my shirt?”
    I shook my head. “To be honest, I forgot.” Too many things happening too fast had my brain muddled. But the blood on Finn’s shirt could be important.
    Tom said, “Maybe you got a nosebleed or something when you hit your head.”
    “Maybe,” he said. “I’m not sure where it came from, and I was thinking the police could figure it out. Help me remember, ’cause not knowing is kind of freaking me out.”
    Candace cocked her head when she looked at Finn. “Thanks for telling me about the shirt. It could help us understand what happened to both you and to Nolan. Do you get my meaning?”
    “I’m not stupid,” Finn said, a hint of defiance returning. “You’re a cop and you want evidence. You

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