The Cartel 4: Diamonds Are Forever

The Cartel 4: Diamonds Are Forever by Ashley, JaQuavis

Book: The Cartel 4: Diamonds Are Forever by Ashley, JaQuavis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley, JaQuavis
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“new” Cartel couldn’t hold a candle to what Monroe had left behind. “You only have twenty houses in all of Miami? When did we downgrade to running trap houses, huh? My father started this thing of ours, and it wasn’t meant to move fifty bricks a month. We did that in a day!”
    “Calm down, homie. We—” Zyir said, trying to ease the building tension that was forming.
    “And who the fuck are you?” Monroe asked, interrupting Zyir. He wasn’t trying to talk to anyone except his brother. He was tired of beating around the bush. He was the boss and he wanted to make it known.
    Immediately Zyir’s goons put their hands on their waists, ready to bust. At that point they didn’t care who Monroe was. He was disrespecting their boss and they were ready to get busy. All of their eyes were on Zyir, and if Zyir would have given the slightest indication for them to react, Money would have been Swiss cheese.
    “Just give me the green light,” Fly Boogie whispered to Zyir without moving his lips. Money smirked at Fly Boogie’s comment and slid his hand to his waist where his gun rested.
    “Everyone calm down!” Carter demanded as Zyir and Money stared at each other tensely, both of them clenching their jaws tightly. Carter continued, “Money, you have been gone a long time. I’m not trying to box you out. I just want you to ease into this. It’s not how it was five years ago. Feds are on us, and with all the murders from the last war, it made us hot. We just trying to stay low, get money, and stay off the radar. It’s a new day, bruh.”
    “You sound crazy right now. Instead of having ten cops on payroll, you should pay the chief of police. Everybody has a price! That means you only have to deal with one person rather than ten. Also, why aren’t we wholesaling? Who runs trap houses? We move weight! Back in my day, little niggas like this couldn’t even be in my presence. But now, you bringing them to the table?” Monroe ranted, pointing out every flaw he saw in Carter’s system.
    Carter, wanting to be diplomatic, kept his cool and knew that he had to take control before it got out of hand. “I need everyone to leave now. Money, let’s talk,” Carter said as he stepped to the side, giving Zyir and his crew a clear path to the truck they pulled up in. No one moved until Zyir nodded his head and then just like that, they headed to their cars. Zyir followed close behind and stopped just as he walked past Carter.
    “You good?” Zyir asked, not knowing whether he should leave Carter alone with Money.
    “Yeah, I’m good. I’ll call you later,” Carter confirmed and put one hand on Zyir’s shoulder. Zyir shot a look at Money, and they exchanged menacing stares as he walked away. Carter tapped Monroe on the chest to try to break the tension between the two of them. “Let’s talk.”
    “Seem like there is nothing to talk about. You have everything figured out I see,” Monroe said sarcastically and released a small smirk. Carter shook his head at Monroe’s answer and put his hands together as he thought about Monroe’s viewpoint.
    “Listen, I know what it seemed like, but it’s the way it’s going to be. Just give it a couple of weeks and feel everything out before you jump in,” Carter said, trying to be as diplomatic as possible.
    “Feel things out? I was moving weight when you were back in Michigan small timing. Remember that, my nigga! But you know what; I’m going to play the back. You right,” Monroe said, easing off of his hostility. He knew at that moment that it was a line drawn in the sand, and he understood what side he stood on. He kicked himself for expressing his frustrations and knew that the old him would have never let anyone know what he was thinking. I am a little rusty I see, he thought as he looked at Carter, trying to read his mind.
    Carter clenched his jaws at Monroe’s remark, but didn’t show any emotion. If that had been anyone else, Carter would have rocked him to

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