The Cabin (The Cabin Novellas (Book One))

The Cabin (The Cabin Novellas (Book One)) by Natalie Stark

Book: The Cabin (The Cabin Novellas (Book One)) by Natalie Stark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Stark
    She had slipped away from her eighteenth birthday party to be with him. They had both waited for this day for months. Sometimes, as she lay in bed at night, her body fever-hot in anticipation, it felt like this day would never come. But he had wanted to wait until she was eighteen. The present he had for her still broke all of the rules and everything they believed in, but somehow, if she were eighteen, it made their love for each other a little easier for them to justify.
    Even as she snuck away from the crowds gathered to celebrate her birthday, she knew he could never really be hers. He belonged to another and always would. But the burning sensation she carried in the pit of her stomach every time she was close to him needed to be sated. Tonight, the burning seemed to fan out from her very core, overwhelming her with an aching need for him. She felt an all-consuming desire for him to sink deep inside of her. These feelings made her seem heady, as if drunk. But she had avoided alcohol that night. She wanted to feel every last moment of him touching her, kissing her, and losing himself inside her. She didn’t want any of those sensations being numbed.
    She knocked on his door, and it was opened instantly, like he had been awaiting her arrival. He ushered her in, looking back just once to make sure the girl hadn’t been seen arriving at his door. No sooner was it shut; the both of them were pulling and tearing at each other’s clothes. It felt like they had been fasting, and now a banquet had been laid before them. But this wasn’t a banquet of food and fine wine; it was a banquet made of flesh. Clenching his fist, he grabbed her long blond hair and yanked her towards him, pressing his lips hard against her mouth. He pushed his tongue between her lips and she welcomed it greedily. Their tongues pushed and darted against each other’s as she pulled open the starched fabric of his black shirt. This wasn’t the first time she had seen or touched his bare chest, but now it felt like the first time. There was a heightened excitement as tonight she knew that their sex wouldn’t stop frustratingly with just foreplay. With both hands she fought to pull his shirt free. He shrugged his broad shoulders, letting it flutter to the cold stone floor. Pulling her mouth away from his, she covered his chest in kisses. She began to move rapidly down his body, her fingers twitching as they fumbled with his trouser belt.
    Desperate to be free, he helped her. She clawed at his trousers, frantic to release his cock, which she could feel long and stiff beneath his black trousers. Curling her fingers around it, she pulled him free, brushing the end of his cock teasingly over her lips. She had only ever taken it into her mouth before and now as she held it, she couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like buried deep inside of her. The thought made her wet. She looked up into his young, gorgeous face. His hungry green eyes looked down at her.
    Sinking his fingers into her hair, the need to just fuck her becoming too much, he yanked her to her feet. So desperate to be inside of her, he hitched up her party dress and tugged free her panties. They were black and made of silk, making his cock stiffen and ache. He frantically pulled them down over her creamy white thighs, calves, and then ankles. The sight of her dark pubic hair quickened his heart and he pushed her back across his study desk.
    Sinking her fingernails into his sculpted arse, she opened her legs and pulled him towards her.
    “Fuck me,” she almost seemed to beg, not wanting to wait another moment to feel him inside of her.
    “Oh, I’m going to fuck you, all right,” he almost seemed to snarl, pushing himself into her.
    “Oh, God!” she shuddered, feeling the tip of his cock momentarily brush over her clit, then sink inside her.
    “You feel so fucking wet,” he groaned.
    Pushing her dress up and over her stomach, he gripped her arse, dragging her closer so

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