The Butcher's Theatre

The Butcher's Theatre by Jonathan Kellerman Page B

Book: The Butcher's Theatre by Jonathan Kellerman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jonathan Kellerman
Tags: Fiction, General, Mystery & Detective, Crime
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around it reddened.
    Daniel and the Chinaman looked at Shmeltzer, who shrugged and said, “This is Jerusalem, boys. A historical context is essential.”
    He returned his attention to his food, cutting into a baby lamb chop, masticating with exaggerated enthusiasm.
    The silence that followed was ponderous and cold. Daoud broke it, speaking in a near murmur.
    “For this murder to be political, the girl would have to be Jewish—”
    “Or a member of an Arab family viewed as collaborationist,” said Shmeltzer.
    Daoud lowered his glance and pushed salad greens around his plate.
    “All possibilities will be considered,” said Daniel. “Let’s move on to the second possibility. Crime of passion—unrequited love, an affair gone sour, soiled honor, blood revenge. Any of you know of family conflicts that could get nasty?”
    “A couple of Moroccan families over in Katamon Tet have been punching each other out for the last few months,” said the Chinaman. “Something about where the laundry should hang. Last I heard it’d cooled down. I’ll check.”
    “Two betrothed families from Surif are feuding over a dowry,” said Daoud. “It’s been all words so far but the words are growing stronger and it may very well boil over into violence. But I know all the family members on both sides and she’s not of them. The only other thing I can think of is that Druze sheikh who was murdered last year.”
    “Hakim al Atrash,” said Daniel.
    “Yes. Common belief is that it was a land dispute and the Janbulat clan was behind it. It’s an open situation—vengeance has yet to be accomplished. But when they kill someone it will be another man, not a young girl.”
    “Another remote possibility,” said Daniel, “is Bedouins. They’d be quick to execute a lapsed virgin or an adulteress and a Bedouin girl this age could very well have been married
    or engaged. But the pathologist is certain that this one wore shoes and he made another good point: Bedouins bury their dead in the desert, away from prying eyes. There’d be no reason to bring her up into the city.”
    He took a drink of soda water, ate salad without tasting it, drank again, and said, “My intuition tells me this was no honor killing—all the ones I’ve seen or heard about have been done with a single throat-cut or a bullet to the head. Swift and clean. No body wounds or hacking of the genitals. No washing the corpse. I saw what had been done to her—the pictures don’t capture it.” He paused, chose his words. “It was butchery, ritualistic. Lots of rage, but calculated.”
    “A sex murder,” said the Chinaman.
    “It’s our best working hypothesis.”
    “If it’s a sex murder, we’re out of our element,” said Shmeltzer.“Working from textbooks again. Like goddamned rookies.”
    The remark angered Daniel, partly because it was true. A junior grade detective in any American city saw more in one year than he’d encounter in a lifetime. Serial killings, demonic rituals, child murders, back alley mutilations. A dark, ugly world that he’d read about but had never encountered. Until eight months ago, when Gray Man had come along. A welcome-back from vacation. Four slashings in two months. A one-man crime wave in a city that hosted nine or ten killings in a bad year, most of them the bloody offspring of family squabbles. Four dead women, victimized for selling phony love…
    “Things are changing, boys.” Shmeltzer was lecturing the Chinaman and Daoud. “And we’re not equipped for it. Drug fiends, psychopaths—nut-case foreigners in rags. You never used to see them. Now they’re all over the city. On the way here I saw one meshuggener lurching across Herzl, muttering to himself, frothing at the mouth, nearly got himself run over. Go into Independence Park and they’re lying under the trees like mounds of dog shit.”
    “That’s not the type we’re looking for, Nahum,” said Daniel. “Too disorganized, unable to plan. Dr. Ben David’s profile of

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