The Bronzed Hawk

The Bronzed Hawk by Iris Johansen

Book: The Bronzed Hawk by Iris Johansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Johansen
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trailed off helplessly, her jade eyes wide and troubled in her suddenly pale face.
    Nick’s hand tightened comfortingly on hers. “It’s not the end of the world, you know. There’s a distinct possibility that the marriage wouldn’t even be legal in the States. Even if it is, there shouldn’t be any trouble getting it annulled. It’s not as if it’s an irrevocable step, Kelly.”
    “No, I suppose not,” she said dazedly. She was feeling a peculiar tightness in her throat, and she felt foolish tears brim in her eyes. What in the world was the matter with her that his casual dismissal of any permanent ties between them should cause this aching pain? “You think we should do it, then?”
    “I don’t think we have much choice,” he said quietly, his eyes intent on her troubled face. “You agree?”
    She drew a shaky breath and then tried to shrug carelessly. “Why not?” she asked flippantly, over the slight lump in her throat. “After all, you’re risking much more than I am. You’re the one who’s rich as Croesus. How do you know that I won’t hold you up for some exorbitant bundle in alimony?”
    “I know,” he said softly, his gaze holding her own. “I know.” It was an incredibly intimate moment the world narrowing to include just the two of them; they seemed bound in a golden, timeless haze.
    Kelly was not aware how long she was held in that mesmerizing spell. She was vaguely awareof Carmen Rodriguez entering the cantina, undulating over to their table, and speaking to Nick. Kelly didn’t even glance at Carmen until Nick reluctantly released her hand, turned to smile warmly at the cantina owner, and answered her with a brief, “
    He turned back to Kelly. “It’s my turn for a bath,” he said. “Would you like to come and scrub my back?” His lips were curved in his usual mocking smile. It was as if that instant of sudden breathless rapport had never existed.
    Kelly drew a deep breath and carefully composed her own expression. “I don’t believe so,” she replied lightly. “If you need any help, I’m sure that the merry widow will be more than happy to oblige.” That fact was more than evident, she thought crossly, as she gazed with extreme displeasure at the plump, beaming cantina owner, who stood waiting for Nick to accompany her. She positively glowed with blatant invitation.
    Nick rose to his feet and grinned down at her. “But I’m an engaged man now,” he said, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “I’m quite surethat Father Miguel would never approve of such goings on.”
    Her lips curved in a reluctant smile. “And how long are you going to remain an engaged man?” she asked. “When does Father Miguel intend to tie the knot?”
    “He suggested that we stroll over to the church about sundown,” he answered casually. “I’ll have a bath and make myself presentable, and we’ll leave after our meal. Okay?”
    “Okay,” she said just as matter-of-factly. She made a face. “I suppose I’d better not change back into my own clothes as I’d planned. If the priest is as old-fashioned as you say, I doubt if he’d be pleased if I showed up for the nuptials in jeans.”
    “You’re probably right,” Nick replied, as he gestured politely for Carmen to precede him from the room. “Besides, I find that earthy peasant look very fetching.” Without waiting for a reply, he followed their hostess to her rooms at the rear of the cantina.
    Kelly didn’t feel at all fetching some two hours later when they arrived at the chapel on the outskirtsof the small village. She felt unattractive and terribly nervous and slightly sick to her stomach as they walked into the tiny vestibule.
    O’Brien’s keen glance raked her pale face and wide, frightened eyes in swift appraisal before his hand closed bracingly on her elbow. “If I wasn’t so confident of my devastating charm. I might be offended by your unbridelike demeanor, Goldilocks. You look scared to death. I’m not

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