The Brand
words served to portend a bad future for the two lovers.
Without being superstitious, but stating facts, it should be
recorded that the very near future did go very awry indeed for
Joelyn Smith and Mr. Anthony Ryzor. It so happened that Raizer T,
as he was widely known by his staggering legion of fans, discovered
almost too late that Joelyn’s birthday was in November. This
negligence can quite rightly be attributed to his rather busy
schedule, which deprived him of the chance to get to learn all the
sufficient details about his would-be wife. Nevertheless, upon
realizing that her birthday was around the corner, Raizer T
impetuously loaded himself into a Gulfstream G650 with a group of
his inner circle and instructed the pilots to take him to
Australia. Acting on purely good intentions, Raizer T wanted to
give his fiancée a pleasant surprise by gracing her with his
physical presence for her 27 th birthday, but Lady Luck was not smiling at her. Raizer T
and his entourage were arrested and detained at the airport in
Melbourne, from where they had been prepared to drive the long
route to the film location at a farm in Neerim South, on charges of
disturbing the order and peace, after an altercation developed
between Raizer T’s bodyguards and airport security personnel.
Raizer T and his group were promptly deported from Australia and
sent back home unsympathetically in their private jet.
    Joelyn, who heard of the drama from her
fiancé, using his mobile phone while still detained at the airport,
actually took a leave of absence from the film shoot and demanded
to be driven to the airport, where she found the Gulfstream
carrying her lover already ejected from Australian territory.
Although fully booked, Qantas Airlines did manage to find her a
seat in the first class cabin of an Airbus A380 departing that
evening. Upon her arrival at JFK International, Joelyn Smith was so
harassed by the hordes of paparazzi, who were excited into this
hive of activity by the drama involving Raizer T at the Melbourne
airport, that security officers had to accompany her to the car
sent by Raizer T to pick her up, a custom-made bullet-proof Rolls
Royce Phantom, white in color.
    It took her to the safety of Raizer T’s
Hamptons mansion, hidden behind a high wall and gate. That night,
Raizer T threw a lavish party to celebrate his beloved fiancée’s
birthday. Some big names in music attended, as well as some
Hollywood faces. Dom Perignon and Veuve Clicquot premier champagnes
flowed endlessly at the party. A hired Japanese chef outdid himself
by creating various delicacies to go with the barbecued choices
which were in huge abundance at the vast lawns of the big property.
Ryze Entertainment artists entertained the guests. Even Raizer T
and Joelyn did a rendition of one of their songs together.
    It would have gone down in the society pages
as a successful party, but for an unfortunate incident that
occurred just after the two lovebirds had just performed on stage
together for the guests, immediately after Anthony had presented
his fiancée with a big diamond necklace for all the guests to see.
A large contingent of police officers, armed with a variety of
weapons and wearing bullet-proof vests, appeared at the gates of
the mansion and forced in their entry. Inside, they presented
Raizer T with a warrant of arrest on charges of possession of an
illegal firearm, and assaulting police officers. He was taken away
in a police car, leaving his guests stunned, and Joelyn in

Chapter 15
    The story was that Raizer T, together with
the group of people who always hung around him like leeches, had
become embroiled in an exchange of gunfire with a rival camp while
returning from a nightclub in New York. No one had been injured
during that exchange, only because the police had intervened and
caused the two rival camps to disperse. Raizer T’s car had been
stopped and searched by the police, whilst the rival camp sped
away. While searching

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