The Boss's Surprise Son
him. “Wow. Déjà vu. I hope that doesn’t mean we’ll have bad turbulence.”
    He looked away, and she rolled her eyes in rueful amusement, not surprised by his avoidance of emotional discourse.
    “Don’t worry. I’m not going to get clingy,” she reassured him. “In fact, I want to thank you for an awesome trip. I had a great time.”
    “Yes. It was a very successful trip. Even Rett should be happy.”
    “I’m glad it worked out for the company, but I was talking about us. I do understand that it all ends when we touch down in San Diego.”
    He turned back to her, relief clear in his eyes. “Oh, I think I can see you to your door.”
    “Such a gentleman.” She smiled, careful to keep the growing sorrow from showing. He would have done that anyway. “Your grandmother would be proud of you.”
    He flinched slightly, just a quick narrowing of the eyes and she wondered at the moment of vulnerability. Maybe he wasn’t as unmoved by the end of their fling as he wanted her to think.
    “I’m going to miss you,” she said softly.
    His gaze flicked to hers. “We’ll be working together every day.”
    “Of course.” And the proximity would make things harder not easier.
    “Are you going to be all right with that?” he pressed.
    “Yes.” She nodded, emphatically. “Last night was indescribable, but I’m not really the kind of girl to enjoy flings. And when I find the right man I want to know I’m number one for him. That when it comes to priorities and split loyalties, I come first. I told you about how my father turned to work for solace so maybe you can understand that. I know he loves me. It just doesn’t always feel like it.”
    “And you think that’s how I treat the women in my life?” he asked thoughtfully.
    “Yes,” she answered honestly and saw that flash of vulnerability in him again. “But it’s okay, because that’s the life you’ve chosen. You’ve said you don’t plan to get married. I respect that. But I also hope you find someone who’ll fulfill you more than well-balanced profit statements.”
    “Thanks. I think.”
    She forced another smile and lowered her gaze to their hands, separated by several inches on the console between their first-class seats, and thought, That’s the way it has to be. But she closed her eyes, shutting out the sight.
    “I think I will try to sleep.”
    He said nothing, but a moment later his hand covered hers.

    “S AVANNAH , I’ LL BE AT the downtown branch for a few hours, and then I’m off the clock until four.” Rick stopped at her desk to give her his schedule. “Call me if you need me.”
    “I thought you were attending the meeting with human resources for the proposal from the independent health-care provider this afternoon.”
    “I changed my mind.”
    “Really?” she blurted in surprise and then quickly tried to recoup. “I mean did you want me to sit in on the meeting and take notes?”
    “No. The manager can handle it.” Instead of leaving he stood jiggling the change in his pocket. “Aren’t you having lunch with Jesse today?”
    “Yes. How did you know about that?”
    He lifted a dark brow, silently reminding her Jesse was family. “Are you going to talk to her about her teacher’s certification?”
    “You are.”
    She looked at him from under her lashes. “Don’t push me.”
    “You should talk to human resources. We pay for continuing education for our employees.”
    Okay, she just shook her head at that. “I’m a temp, remember? And teaching is not continuing ed for jewelry-making, consumer marketing or retail sales.”
    He inclined his head. “There’s design. You have a real talent in that direction.”
    “I thought of that, but I want to teach. Plus, I’m still only a temp.”
    The man was driving her insane. The stoic, distancing man from before their trip to England had returned with a vengeance upon touchdown in San Diego a month ago. Which she’d expected, of course. And

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