The Boss: (Billionaire Romance)
warn Christine, then."
    She sighed. “It’s complicated.”
    “No it’s not. The guy’s a dick.”
    “We used to date.”
    “Oh shit. You’re not still sleeping with him, are you?”
    Jamie shot him a look.
    “Okay, don’t kill me here!” He held his hands up. “It just popped out. Sorry.”
    “We were dating and then he met my sister. Now they’re engaged.” She shrugged, now really wishing she had a drink in her hand, not tea. This was so embarrassing.
    “He’s an idiot. It sounds like him and your sister are perfect for each other.”
    Jamie took a sip of the tea to stall for time before answering. "He was drunk. He would never do that in his right mind."
    "That doesn't matter. If he makes drinking a habit, then there's a good chance Christine will be in danger."
    "She wouldn't believe me," Jamie said. "She loves him. Or thinks she loves him.” She waved her hand. “If I say anything she'll just think I tried to seduce him or something." She hated how true her words were.
    Alex must have known they were true as well, because he didn't say anything for a long time. "I'll talk to Stephen," he finally said. "We've known each other for a very long time and I think he'll listen to me. He had better if he knows what's good for him."
    Jamie shivered. She had no doubt he would make good on his threat if Stephen ever behaved indecently again. "You really don't have to.”
    "I need to," he said. "Someone needs to look after you.”
    Jamie's mouth went dry. "Why are you doing this?" she whispered.
    "You know why," he said, looking away again. "Don't make me say it."
    "But I don't know," she said, her impatience rising slightly. "If you went to such lengths for all of your employees, you wouldn't have the energy to run your company."
    "No," he said. "But you're in danger, and I can't have that."
    Jamie took another sip of tea, knowing her cheeks were flushed. "Thank you for talking to Stephen," she said. "I really don't want Christine hurt and I know she won't listen to me about this. Her judgement has always been a little cloudy when it comes to her man."
    "I had a feeling that’s the case," he said dryly. "Among other things. But why do you care so much for her when she’s so rotten to you? I'm not sure if I've ever seen family members as vicious and vile as yours are."
    She laughed. “She’s family, aren’t we all like that at times?" She laughed again at the look on his face. "Even if she manipulates me, I still love her." She shrugged. "It's complicated. But families are always convoluted, right?"
    He nodded. "That is definitely true." He glanced at the photograph of his family on the wall. He looked back at Jamie. "Whenever it gets too complicated, you can always talk to me. If that makes you uncomfortable, though, then I'm sure Ms. Campbell would be willing to listen. She seems to like you pretty well. And I think your healthcare plan covers therapy—"
    Jamie laughed. "You think I should be in therapy?"
    He smiled, catching on to her teasing tone. "All I'm saying is you should talk to someone. You don't have to do everything alone."
    "I know," she said. "Thank you, Alex. That’s very sweet of you. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me."
    He smiled at her and then blushed slightly, making him look endearing as well as incredibly sexy.
    "What?" Jamie asked.
    "I was right about you calling me by my first name."
    Jamie blinked. "Pardon?"
    “Nothing.” He squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Nothing. Sorry.”
    “Finish it, Mr. Reid. You can’t say something loaded like that and then try to hide behind nothing.”
    “It’s incredibly sexy.” His cheeks turned red and he stared down at his mug.
    “What is?” Her heart sped and its beat pounded against her ears.
    “I was right about you calling me by my first name. It’s incredible sexy.”
    She giggled. “Really?”
    "You have no idea."

Chapter 14
    T he conversation halted suddenly. She knew he was trying to be kind after everything

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