of plug-ugly ponies out of which she had imagined she w o u l d m a k e a fortune to provide for herself in the decrepitude of her old age, the deluded b l o o d y bitch. There was as well the business of the girl Joanne. As I was leaving I paused and said, measuring my words, that I thought it hardly appropriate for a w o m a n of my mother's position in society — her position! — in society! — to be so c h u m m y with a stable-girl. I confess I had intended to cause outrage, but I am afraid I was the one w h o ended up goggle-eyed. My mother, after a m o m e n t ' s silence, stared me straight in the face, with brazen insouciance, and said that J o a n n e was not a child, that she was in fact 74
twenty-seven years of age. She is — with a pause here for effect — she is like a son to m e , the son I never had.
Well, I said, s w a l l o w i n g hard, I ' m h a p p y for y o u both, I ' m sure! and flounced out of the house. On the drive, though, I had to stop and wait for my indignation and resentment to subside a little before I could get my breath back. S o m e t i m e s I think I am an utter senti-mentalist.
I g o t to W h i t e w a t e r that evening. T h e last leg of the j o u r n e y I m a d e by taxi f r o m the village. T h e driver w a s an i m m e n s e l y tall, emaciated m a n in a flat cap and an antique, blue-flannel suit. He studied me with interest in the driving-mirror, hardly bothering to watch the road ahead of us. I tried staring back at h i m hatefully, but he was unabashed, and only grinned a little on one side of his thin face with a peculiarly friendly air of k n o w i n g . W h y do I r e m e m b e r people like this so vividly? T h e y clutter my m i n d , w h e n I l o o k up f r o m the p a g e they are thronged around me in the shadows, silent, mildly curious — even, it m i g h t be, solicitous. T h e y are witnesses, I suppose, the innocent bystanders w h o have c o m e , without malice, to testify against m e .
I can never a p p r o a c h W h i t e w a t e r without a small, involuntary g a s p o f admiration. T h e drive leads u p f r o m the road in a long, deep, treeless curve, so that the house seems to turn, slowly, dreamily, o p e n i n g w i d e its Palladian colonnades. T h e taxi d r e w to a stop on the gravel b e l o w the great front steps, and with the sudden silence c a m e the realisation — yes, Maolseachlainn, I a d m i t it — that I had no reasonable cause to be there. 1 sat for a m o m e n t l o o k i n g about me in g r o g g y consternation, like a wakened sleepwalker, but the driver was w a t c h i n g me in the mirror n o w 7S
with rapt expectancy, and I had to pretend to k n o w what I was about. 1 got out of the car and stood patting my pockets and frowning importantly, but I could not fool him, his lopsided grin g r e w slyer still, for a second I thought he was g o i n g to wink at me. I told him brusquely to wait, and m o u n t e d the steps pursued by an unshakeable sensation of general mockery.
After a long time the door was opened by a wizened little angry man in what appeared at first to be a bus conductor's uniform. A few long strands of very black hair were plastered across his skull like streaks of boot polish.
He looked at me with deep disgust. N o t open today, he said, and was starting to shut the door in my face when I rubbing my hands slowly and smiling, playing the returned expatriate. Ah, I said, the old place! T h e great Tintoretto on the stairs, swarming with angels and m a d -
eyed martyrs, blared at me its vast chromatic chord. T h e d o o r m a n or whatever he was danced about anxiously behind me. I turned and l o o m e d at him, still grinning, and said no, I wasn't a tripper, but a friend of the family — was Miss Behrens at h o m e , by any chance? He dithered, distrustful still, then told me to wait, and scuttled o f f d o w n the hall, splaying one flat foot as he went and carefully smoothing the oiled hairs on his
Sidney Sheldon, Tilly Bagshawe
Laurie Alice Eakes
R. L. Stine
C.A. Harms
Cynthia Voigt
Jane Godman
Amelia Grey
Debi Gliori
Charles O'Brien