The Blueprint

The Blueprint by Jeannette Barron

Book: The Blueprint by Jeannette Barron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeannette Barron
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mortar for the thick walls Lily built around herself as a child held firm.
    Lily and Kim were sitting in their usual lunch spot eavesdropping on a young couple, probably freshmen, discussing their inevitable future together, when out of the corner of Kim’s eye she noticed two male construction workers headed their way.  Both wore hard hats, dusty t-shirts with jeans, work boots, and tool belts. One was tall with broad shoulders and thick arms, the other, short and skinny, was rushing to keep pace while tugging at his belt to keep it from falling around his ankles.
    An image of the band, Village People , flashed in Kim’s mind and she started to sing under her breath, “ It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.”
    Lily glanced over , saw what was coming, and choked on her sandwich. 
    Kim slapped her on the back and tried hiding her mocking smile.  She whispered, “This should be fun.”
    Tall and handsome drawled, “Well, aren’t the two of you cuter than a couple of speckled pups.”
    “Yeah, they look like puppies,” agreed short and skinny.
    Ki m’s smile faded.  She glared at the little guy with scruffy blonde hair sticking out from his hard hat and asked, “Did you just call us dogs?”
    “No…. What I meant….Y ou’re not dogs… You're puppies,” sputtered short and skinny.
    “Zip it!” growled tall and handsome.  He tucked his thumbs inside the edge of his tool belt, shook his head, and sighed.  “Ladies, I’m real sorry about my brother , Ed; he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you know what I mean.  My name’s Jimmy.”  He removed his hat, revealing dark cropped hair which emphasized the blue of his eyes against high cheekbones, a thick brow, and crooked nose.  His big hand felt like sunbathed concrete when they shook and exchanged further introductions. At his touch, both women’s heart beats fluttered.  Lily looked away and Kim matched him smile for smile.
    “Nice tool belt,” Kim teased.  “I’m just guessing that the two of you are working on the library expansion and aren't students.”
    “You’d be right.  We’ve noticed the two of you out here enjoyin' your lunch and wondered if you wouldn’t mind some company.”
    “That depends on your brother’s manners,” challenged Kim.  “I’m a little sensitive to the whole dog metaphor.”
    Ed whined, “It was supposed to be a compliment.”
    “Ed, go get our lunches.”
    As Ed sulked away, Jimmy removed his tool belt and sat.  “You’ll have to excuse Ed.  He gets tongue tied around beautiful women.  He’s wanted to walk over here for days to meet you, but he wouldn’t do it without me.”
    “So you weren’t as interested in mee ting two beautiful women?” Kim asked, feigning hurt feelings.
    “No.  No.  That’s not it at all.  He just told me today.  And the truth is I’d noticed both of you weeks ago.  I’d much rather eat lunch with two ladies than some sorry old construction workers.  Look over there.  Those jerks are watchin' us right now.”
    Five guys with legs dangling over the second story ledge were looking righ t at them.  Kim hopped up, waved, and blew kisses as whoops of laugher and catcalls accompanied their returned greetings. 
    Jimmy smirked, “Well ladies, it appears you have five more admirers.”
    “Should we invite them over?” Kim asked Lily.
    Grabb ing her stuff and checking her watch, Lily said, “Oh, look at the time.  I should get back to work.”
    “No you don’t.  You have twenty minutes.  Stay.  I’ll behave myself.”  When Lily didn’t stop collecting her things, Kim reached for her wrist and begged, “Please, I’ll be good.  I promise.”
    Lily sat back down and returned her full concentration to her turkey sandwich, while Kim flashed her best all’s well smile for Jimmy. 
    Pretending to ignore their exchange, Jimmy changed the subject. “So how do you two know each other?”
    Kim answered, “We grew up together and now we’re

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