grandchildren would ascend the throne someday.
“Your Majesty,”
General Willem said, interrupting the pair. “I have brought the man you
requested. Perhaps we may discuss your plan now.”
A slender man of great
height stood next to the general. With a few tweaks, he would look exactly as
Efren desired.
“We will discuss it
further in private,” the king said, standing. “Duke Arden, you shall accompany
“Of course, Your
Majesty,” he replied. He followed closely behind the king, who led the men into
a small chamber next to the throne room.
“Close the door and
make sure no one is outside of it,” Efren said. “Duke Arden, describe this man
to me.”
“He is taller than
most men, standing a head taller than General Willem,” Arden replied. “He is
slender of build and has deep-set eyes. His skin has a heavy touch of the sun,
and his eyes are blue.”
“That should do
nicely,” Efren replied.
“This is Kal,”
General Willem said. “He is a fine archer and an intelligent man. I have
observed my men closely these past few days and could think of none better to
serve you.”
“I need someone to
pose as a mixed breed,” the king stated. “Can you read, Kal?”
“I can, Your
Majesty,” Kal replied.
“Good. You will
have much to learn, and quickly.”
“I’m afraid I don’t
understand,” Arden said. “You plan to disguise this man in some way? What is
his mission?”
“Yes, he will be
disguised,” the king stated. “He will pose as a half-elf. With luck, he will
infiltrate the Na’zoran army disguised as a potion maker. I intend to poison
their mages.”
The room fell
silent as the men digested the king’s words. The plan had merit, and it could
prove a great success. Infiltrating the Na’zoran army, however, would be no
easy task.
“Majesty,” the
general began, “this plan seems rather difficult. How do we get him past enemy
lines? How does he convince them he’s an elf?”
“If I may speak,”
Kal said, looking to the king for approval. “I once traveled to Al’marr, where
ships from Ral’nassa often visit. They purchase gems there, and some of their
sailors frequent the taverns. I know more of the Enlightened Elves than most
men, and I have no doubt I can imitate one.”
“Can you manage the
accent?” the general asked.
“I can,” he
replied, speaking as if he were a native of Ral’nassa. “I have heard them speak
plenty of times. I can explain away my ears with a story of my low birth
between a tavern girl from Al’marr and a ship’s captain from Ral’nassa.”
A broad smile came
over Efren’s face. “I think you shall do nicely,” he said. “You sound as if
you’ve already been preparing for the role. General Willem, I will leave the
details to you and Duke Arden. Get this man prepared and find a way to slip him
behind enemy lines. They won’t refuse his services, as they have great need of
their potions. I have exchanged letters with Na’zora’s original suppliers, and
they no longer desire to remain involved in the war.”
Willem was stunned.
How could the king have possibly cut off Na’zora’s supply of potions? Though
frustrated that he had not been privy to the scheme, he chose not to ask
questions. Whatever the king had done, it would only help Ra’jhou’s cause. Now,
the general had a new matter to attend to—getting Kal safely in front of the
Na’zoran army.
“You are certain
Na’zora will have need of this man?” Arden asked.
“I am,” Efren
replied. “The Na’zorans will readily accept his help. You have your orders.”
The king exited, leaving the three men behind. His confidence was high that the
plan would succeed. Cutting off Na’zora’s potion supply had been no small
victory. If Kal could manage to poison the mages, the tide of war could take a
dramatic turn in Ra’jhou’s favor.
“You’re sure you’re
up to this task?” Arden asked.
“I am, my lord,”
Kal replied. “Nothing would please me more
Mary A. Williamson Mt(ascp) Phd, L. Michael Snyder Md
Whitley Strieber
Barbara Freethy
Georgina Walker
Beverly Cleary
Emma Knight
Kathleen Fuller
Leslie Leigh
Pamela Ladner
Amy Rose Bennett