The Black Sword Trilogy: The Four Nations

The Black Sword Trilogy: The Four Nations by Jeffery VanMeter

Book: The Black Sword Trilogy: The Four Nations by Jeffery VanMeter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffery VanMeter
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                  “Why have you violated the sanctity of my woods?” Kayla asked him.  “And why have you brought these foul beasts with you?”
                  “I came to talk as we once did” He answered, “As old friends.”
                  “You are no longer a friend to me or this forest.  But if you have something to say, then say it.”
                  “I had hoped we could speak in a far less public setting.”
                  “Anything you have to say to me, you may say here, now and then be on your way.”
                  “My dear Lady,” He said in mock tenderness.  “If you fear being alone with me, then by all means have friends stand with you to hear me speak.”
    He then turned as if looking at Kenner.  Although he could not see his eyes, Kenner felt as if he could feel them peering into him.
                  “I’m sure the bearer of the Black Sword could help you feel safer.”
                  Everyone then looked at Kayla as if hoping she could make the visitor somehow go away.
                  “Do you remember the stone circle?” Kayla called down to him.
                  “I remember it well.” He answered with smile seeming even colder.
                  “I shall meet you there in an hour.” Kayla said finally and then turned her back on him entering the sanctuary.
    Chapter Sixteen
                  Kayla led Kenner, Terri and Shela through the woods so quickly they could barely keep up with her.  Shela would run a few steps, stop, turn and then let the others pass.
                  “Where are we going?” Terri asked Kenner.
                  “How the hell should I know?  You’re the one who’s been before.”
                  Eventually they came to a path leading through some thick brush.  It led to a stone arch supported by, what looked like ancient walls.  Shining down through the trees was a single ray of sunlight illuminating the inside beyond the arch.
                  “What is this place?” Kenner asked Kayla.
                  “The Stone Circle,” she answered.  “We do not know who built it or why.  It is more ancient even than memory.”
                  The Stone Circle appeared to have been an ancient temple or house.  The ruins of an old and seemingly primal wall encircled a dirt floor where nothing seemed to grow.  The largest part of the wall still standing reached twenty feet high and contained a small window.  There were what appeared to the remains of stone pews, like a holy place and at the far end, near the large wall was what looked like an altar also made of stone.  Behind the altar and seemingly attached to it was an enormous Blackwood tree, taller than any other that Kenner and Terri had previously seen.  Looking around them, examining the circle, both Kenner and Terri felt presences around them as if there were many people there; although they could see no one.  Looking back to the arch, Kenner noticed that Shela had not entered.
                  Kayla approached the altar slowly and Terri noticed an expression of sad caution on her normally sweet face.
                  “This is the oldest place that we know of in the Woods.” Kayla said.  “It is said that the tree behind the altar is the first of the mighty Blackwoods.  We call it the seedling.”
                  “You seem afraid of this place.” Terri said to Kayla.
                  “I am.” She answered simply.  “But so is he.”
                  Once again, the trees above them sounded as if being blown by winds.  They heard Shela growl and looking in her direction; they saw several Wolfen cower behind the cloaked and hooded

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