The Bitch

    I woke up with
Alex grinding his very hot, very hard cock against my ass with nothing between
us but the thin material of my panties. My eyes flew open, and I blinked
repeatedly. Damn it, he’d turned the light on. He knew I hated that.
    “Suck me off,
Marina.” He rolled more fully onto me, pinning me face first into the bed.
“Come on, baby, you know you want me.”
    At this precise
moment in time, all I wanted was a good night’s sleep since I knew my work day
tomorrow was going to suck donkey balls. I definitely did not want to
suck Alex’s hairy balls down my throat after he’d spent the last three hours
hanging out in the living room with his best friend watching Deep Dicking
Donna —parts one, two, and three, mind you— on the big screen TV while
I had to listen to the two of them grunting and jerking off. Might I add that
his best friend just so happened to be Dustin, one of the assholes I work with?
I can promise you, it had not been easy to fall asleep with all of that going
on in the next room.
    “Get off me,” I
mumbled, still in hazy, half-sleep mode. For Christ’s sake, it had to be two in
the morning. Definitely not monkey sex time when the alarm would go off at six
as the prelude to a long day at my own personal hell, otherwise known as the
    He did roll off
me then…but he rolled me right along with him, pulling me until I was on my
back. That’s when I saw Dustin grinning down at me from the foot of the bed, a
cocky smirk if ever I’d seen one.
    I flailed my
arms and legs, trying to get Alex to let me loose, but then I discovered that I
didn’t have a t-shirt on. I’d had one on when I went to bed. Fucking bastard
took it off of me in my sleep, leaving me in nothing but lace bikini briefs.
    I tried to cover
my breasts because Dustin wouldn’t stop staring at them and licking his lips
just like the asshole he was, but Alex grabbed my arms at the wrists with one
hand, stretched them high over my head, and straddled my chest. His cock was slick
and straining, the sleek helmet head bobbing just away from my lips. He took my
chin in a bruising grip. “Suck it.”
    What the hell
was I supposed to do? Alex and I had been an item for months, since not long
after my company’s Christmas party, and I did love his cock. But we’d never
done more than kiss with anyone else in the room before. I’d definitely never
sucked his cock with one of my coworkers leering at me the whole time.
    And he’d never
been so rough with me before, either. I mean, we fucked pretty hard sometimes,
but he was seriously taking control in a way I wasn’t so sure of.
    I liked to be in
control. Of everything. All the time.
    When we fucked,
we either did it doggy style or I was on top. Period. I only sucked him off if
he was also licking my cunt, and he wasn’t allowed to cum in my mouth. No anal,
because that was seriously gross. And if I wasn’t in the mood, damn it, I
wasn’t in the mood.
    At precisely
that moment, I was damned sure not in the mood.
    But I did love
his cock.
    I opened my lips
to wet them, and Alex took that opportunity to shove himself all the way in.
And I do mean all the way in. I gagged, because I’d never taken man’s
cock so deep inside my mouth before. He was long and thick, and the veins in
his penis felt like ridges against my tongue and the roof of my mouth. And he
didn’t slow down or stop, despite my gagging.
    By the time his
head hit the back of my throat, I had tears stinging my eyes and I couldn’t
breathe, and panic was starting to set in…and I felt Dustin’s hand on my cunt,
rubbing over my panties.
    “I told you
she’d like it if you took charge,” Dustin said. “She’s so fucking wet, it’s
insane. Her panties are dripping for you.” With his fingers, he lifted the edge
of my panty and slid something small and hard inside, placing it just over my
    “You like this?”
Alex asked. His voice was rough, like sandpaper, and his eyes looked

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