The Billionaire's Forbidden Desire

The Billionaire's Forbidden Desire by Nadia Lee

Book: The Billionaire's Forbidden Desire by Nadia Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nadia Lee
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Like speeding over to his father’s house, dragging Sophia out and finishing what they’d started in the garden.
    “You want to come in for a nightcap?” the blonde said, dragging her fingernails lightly along his thigh.
    He picked up the offending hand and dropped it in her lap. “No. And if you don’t get out in the next three seconds, I’m going to start driving.”
    She gasped. “You can be
an asshole.”
    “So I hear. Now get out.”
    “Fine!” She climbed out and slammed the door.
    His hands flexed around the steering wheel as he maneuvered the Lamborghini toward his penthouse. A ball of pressure was bearing down on his rib cage. He took a couple of deep breaths and flexed his shoulders, trying to relieve it.
    An urge to push the car to its limit and speed down the highway hit him, but he resisted, grinding his teeth. He hadn’t indulged in the last seven years, and he wasn’t going to start now. Not over Salazar. Not over Sophia.
    Then what? Go home and drink?
    Dane shook his head. That wasn’t enough.
    He needed to run.

Chapter Fifteen
    Pleasantly cool evening air caressed her bare butt
causing goose bumps to rise
but hot hands soon covered her naked skin
They pulled her closer until she could feel the long
thick erection against her belly
Strong fingers brushed tantalizingly close to her already soaking folds
    Yes, yes, yes.
    She moaned into his mouth
begging for more
Her legs spread as wide as possible
seemingly on their own volition
She arched her back
pressed into his big hard body
    Still he maintained control over himself
and she bit back a frustrated groan
If she could just make him let go a little

If Dane would just

    She woke with a start and blinked as her eyes focused on Salazar. “Uh…hi,” she said.
    They were inside his car, which was currently parked in front of his house.
    “Hi yourself. You must be pretty tired.”
    She forced a smile, her lips feeling rubbery.
How do you deal with the father of the man who just starred in your dirty dream?
“It’s been a long day.”
    The driver opened the door. The interior lights illuminated Salazar’s face, and she looked for any hint of an ulterior motive. Dane had been so certain that either she wanted to marry his father—which she absolutely did not—or that Salazar was planning to marry her for some weird, messed up reason. Some…game he was playing with his wife.
    Dane knew his father better than she did, so was he right? But no matter how hard she searched, there was no hint of malice or ill-intent in Salazar. He seemed genuinely interested in helping her.
    “Thank you,” she said, taking a chance, squeezing his hand and watching for the reaction. “For everything.”
    He shrugged and smiled. “Hey, everyone can use a hand sometimes. Am I right?”
    She laughed as they walked up to the mansion. Al greeted them at the door, crisp in his suit despite the late hour. Maybe the man was some kind of cyborg that didn’t need to sleep or rest.
    “Your suite is ready. I had the housekeeper unpack your things. Also, your dog has been walked and brought in for the evening.”
    “Thank you,” Sophia said, slightly stunned.
    She said goodnight to Salazar and let Al lead her down a long corridor. Oil portraits of men and women looked down at her from the cream and sage walls. Every alcove had a giant vase with fresh flowers.
    Al finally stopped and opened double doors made of pale wood. Sophia gaped at the sumptuously appointed room.
    “Will this be satisfactory?”
    “Your dog is in a special nook I prepared for him. I hope that’s acceptable.”
    “Thank you. You’ve thought of everything.”
    “He deserves his own place.” Al’s tone was as placid as an autumn lake. “If you need anything else, please let me know. I took the liberty of stocking some toiletries for you. They’re Miss Vanessa’s favorites.”
    “Vanessa?” The name sounded

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