The Billionaire's Con

The Billionaire's Con by Mackenzie Crowne

Book: The Billionaire's Con by Mackenzie Crowne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mackenzie Crowne
Tags: Contemporary
would make me feel the way you do. I’ll take your heart, but only if you’ll take mine as well. I want your love, Trevor. I’ll settle for nothing less.”
    The tiny heart sparkled in the lamplight as he held out his open hand. “Fairy girl, I love you more than I ever knew a man could love a woman.”
    With a grin, she plucked the tiny trinket from his palm and did what she’d wanted to do. She shrieked with laughter and jumped, naked, into his arms.

Chapter Thirteen
    Meggy woke to the soft lapping of waves against the hull of Christos’ Chariot. Eyes closed, she stretched like a sultry cat, basking in the warmth of Trevor’s bed. Her eyes popped open upon recalling where she was. She sat up straight, only to find the bunk beside her empty.
    Early morning light illuminated the charm bracelet that was all she wore. She stretched out her bare arm to admire it. The fat heart had joined his other gifts sometime during the night, when he’d insisted he wanted her in nothing but her charms. He’d grinned as he made the request, with its double entendre, and pleased them both by spending the next few hours sampling those charms.
    Pure joy burst in her heart. She flopped back against the pillow, pulling the sheet and comforter up over her head to indulge in uncontrollable glee by wriggling and squealing beneath the covers like a little girl on Christmas morning. She was still grinning at her foolishness when she poked her head out to see if her little celebration had alerted Trevor that she was awake. The room was still empty.
    Trevor Bryce loved her. She shook her head where it lay, smiling at the ceiling. He hadn’t asked her to marry him, but he would. And when he did, she’d say yes. Yes! Yes! Yes! Man, she really was a goner.
    The stray thought had her sitting up straight. “I need to call Cara!” Her voice was loud in the silence of the room.
    Tangled in the covers, her gaze searched the room for the clutch purse she’d carried the night before. She spotted it on the chair in the corner. At the same moment, she swung her legs over the side of the bed to go collect it and her cell phone, the door opened.
    “You’re awake.” Trevor crossed the room to the bed, handing her the coffee mug he carried. He covered her mouth with his in a sweet morning greeting.
    “Good morning.” She smiled when he stepped away to pick up her overnight bag.
    Already dressed himself, he returned to the bed with the jeans and sweater she’d packed for this morning. He held them out.
    Without thought, she took them. “Wouldn’t you like to come back to bed for a little while?” She batted her eyelashes and exaggerated her best sultry look, then spoiled it by grinning.
    Though his eyes darkened, he didn’t smile. “More than you know. Unfortunately, we don’t have time. I’ll leave you to dress. Meet me on deck when you’re ready.” He turned without another word.
    She scrambled to her knees. “Trevor?”
    He turned back to her.
    Although it had to be her imagination, she thought his smile looked forced.
    “It’ll be all right, Meggy. I’ll see you on deck.” The door to the cabin closed behind him with a quiet snick.
    It’ll be all right? What would be all right? What was wrong? She climbed from the bunk and began pulling on her clothes. After yanking a brush through her hair, she searched through her bag for her toothbrush and quickly brushed her teeth in the basin. Without another thought, she grabbed her clutch from the chair and headed up on deck.
    Trevor stood at the rail. He turned when she stepped out into the chilly morning air. His hair ruffled in the breeze.
    She took a moment to appreciate how handsome he looked in worn jeans and a faded Harvard sweatshirt. Harvard? Had he gone to Harvard?
    She decided right then and there that she was sitting him down and asking him all those pertinent questions she’d neglected to ask because she’d been so busy floating in the clouds over the way he made her feel. But

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