The Billionaire Wins the Game

The Billionaire Wins the Game by Melody Anne

Book: The Billionaire Wins the Game by Melody Anne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Anne
as his words continued slashing at her. She reached up to
slap his face, but he caught her hand before it connected. “I told
you, I’d only let you get away with that once,” he said, smirking
down at her.
    He then yanked her into his arms and
smashed his lips to hers. He was so angry his kiss was almost
bruising in its intensity. He wasn’t gentle as he willed her to
surrender to him. He grabbed her hair and yanked her head back so
he had easier access.
    She fought against him for a few
moments and then her body betrayed her and she began kissing him
back just as passionately. When he knew he had her full surrender,
he pushed her away from him, though it seemed like the hardest
thing he’d ever done. Her eyes were glazed over with passion and
her anger had turned to need.
    They both stood at a standstill,
panting heavily, fighting their emotions. “Sit down, Amy,” he
finally said, much calmer. He walked over to the sofa, expecting
her to follow.
    As reality started resurfacing, Amy
berated herself. She told him she wouldn’t be doing anything with
him and then at one touch of his lips, all rational thought ceased,
and she could do nothing but pull him closer. She was beginning to
realize there was a thin line between love and hate. She wasn’t
nearly as antagonistic toward Lucas as she wanted to be.
    The more she was around him; the more
she noticed the attractive things about him, not just his great
looks. What was even more attractive than his looks though, was the
way he talked with other employees, and was willing to lend a
helping hand. Maybe she’d pre-judged him too soon and that was what
had caused them to be so unfriendly toward each other. She knew
she’d been giving off a negative attitude from the first day she
started. She was willing to make a change. She didn’t want to get
involved with him in a relationship, but she could respect him as a
    She finally figured she may as well get
this over with, so she sat in the chair opposite him. “I’m
physically attracted to you. It doesn’t mean anything, though; I
meant what I said earlier. Last night shouldn’t have happened. It
was just a moment of weakness for me. I don’t want to lose my job,
and I don’t want to have a cheap affair with my boss. We need to
remain professional from now on,” she stated in what she hoped was
a professional manner.
    He looked at her like she’d lost her
mind. “I agree with you, Ms. Harper,” he said, reverting to her
last name. “Last night shouldn’t have happened. But we need to deal
with the consequences of the night. I forgot to use protection,
which is a first for me. I know you were a virgin and most likely
not on birth control,” he finally stated.
    “I don’t neglect my responsibilities,
so if you’re pregnant, I need to know as soon as you do. I won’t
have a child of mine raised without me. We would marry immediately.
Do you understand?” he finished.
    Amy was so stunned by Lucas’s words,
she didn’t reply for several heartbeats. She wouldn’t have thought
it was something he’d even consider. If she’d become pregnant, she
would’ve thought he was more likely to ask her to get rid of it.
She never would, but she knew many men wouldn’t want an unexpected
pregnancy. The more she thought about it though; the more it made
sense he’d do what he considered the right thing; to take care of
his child. He came from a loving family, who’d never deny one of
their own.
    Amy took some deep breaths before
speaking to Lucas. She repeated to herself that she couldn’t afford
to lose her job, and if she was pregnant she couldn’t afford for
him to know about it. He could easily prove he could take better
care of the child. She didn’t need, nor did she want, a man in her
life. She needed to focus on herself. She’d watched her mother go
through more men than anyone could count. She’d also watched those
men abuse her mother on a daily basis. Most men couldn’t be
    “Are you

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