The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century

The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century by Anthology Page B

Book: The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century by Anthology Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthology
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need for apparatus. Mason for unaided lung use. So far, they’d come out about even.
    Mason threw the switch, and there was a muffled sound of hissing in the chamber.
    Mickey got the helmet from his locker and dropped it over his head. Then he went through the double doors. Mason listened to him clamping the doors behind him. He kept wanting to switch on the side viewers and see if he could locate what they’d spotted. But he didn’t. He let himself enjoy the delicate nibbling of suspense.
    Through the intercom they heard Mickey’s voice.
    “Removing helmet,” he said.
    Silence. They waited. Finally, a sound of disgust.
    “I lose again,” Mickey said.
    The others followed him out.
    “God, did they hit!”
    Mickey’s face had an expression of dismayed shock on it. The three of them stood there on the greenish-blue grass and looked.
    It was a ship. Or what was left of a ship for, apparently, it had struck the earth at terrible velocity, nose first. The main structure had driven itself about fifteen feet into the hard ground. Jagged pieces of superstructure had been ripped off by the crash and were lying strewn over the field. The heavy engines had been torn loose and nearly crushed the cabin. Everything was deathly silent, and the wreckage was so complete they could hardly make out what type of ship it was. It was as if some enormous child had lost fancy with the toy model and had dashed it to earth, stamped on it, banged on it insanely with a rock.
    Mason shuddered. It had been a long time since he’d seen a rocket crash. He’d almost forgotten the everpresent menace of lost control, of whistling fall through space, of violent impact. Most talk had been about being lost in an orbit. This reminded him of the other threat in his calling. His throat moved unconsciously as he watched.
    Ross was scuffing at a chunk of metal at his feet.
    “Can’t tell much,” he said. “But I’d say it’s our own.”
    Mason was about to speak, then changed his mind.
    “From what I can see of that engine up there, I’d say it was ours,” Mickey said.
    “Rocket structure might be standard,” Mason heard himself say, “everywhere.”
    “Not a chance,” Ross said. “Things don’t work out like that. It’s ours all right. Some poor devils from Earth. Well, at least their death was quick.”
    “Was it?” Mason asked the air, visualizing the crew in their cabin, rooted with fear as their ship spun toward earth, maybe straight down like a fired cannon shell, maybe end-over-end like a crazy, fluttering top, the gyroscope trying in vain to keep the cabin always level.
    The screaming, the shouted commands, the exhortations to a heaven they had never seen before, to a God who might be in another universe. And then the planet rushing up and blasting its hard face against their ship, crushing them, ripping the breath from their lungs. He shuddered again, thinking of it.
    “Let’s take a look,” Mickey said.
    “Not sure we’d better,” Ross said. “We say it’s ours. It might not be.”
    “Jeez, you don’t think anything is still alive in there, do you?” Mickey asked the captain.
    “Can’t say,” Ross said.
    But they all knew he could see that mangled hulk before him as well as they. Nothing could have survived that.
    The look. The pursed lips. As they circled the ship. The head movement, unseen by them.
    “Let’s try that opening there,” Ross ordered. “And stay together. We still have work to do. Only doing this so we can let the base know which ship this is.” He had already decided it was an Earth ship.
    They walked up to a spot in the ship’s side where the skin had been laid open along the welded seam. A long, thick plate was bent over as easily as a man might bend paper.
    “Don’t like this,” Ross said. “But I suppose... “
    He gestured with his head and Mickey pulled himself up to the opening. He tested each handhold gingerly, then slid on his work gloves as he found some sharp edge. He told the

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