The Best Man's Guarded Heart

The Best Man's Guarded Heart by Katrina Cudmore Page A

Book: The Best Man's Guarded Heart by Katrina Cudmore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katrina Cudmore
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don’t think I’m lying to you or that I want anything from you.’
    â€˜You drive a hard bargain.’
    â€˜You have to mean it. I’m trusting you not to pretend, not to lie to me.’
    He drew back, paralysed with indecision. Could he honestly tell her that he trusted her? His stomach was a knot, his heart a time bomb ready to explode. Others might lie, but that was anathema to him. He could just walk away now—go back to the way his life had been a few short days ago. But, gazing deep into her eyes, he realised that he didn’t want to this to end—not yet—and that he believed he could trust her.
    â€˜I trust you.’
    She gave him a solemn smile, and when he ran his hand along her cheek she leaned into it.
    And then he walked away.

    G RACE STOOD ON the path, dumbstruck. What had happened to their kiss?
    She chased after him. ‘Did I just miss something?’
    He stopped by the steps up to the workshops, his expression sombre. ‘You said you wanted to trust in me. Which means that you’ll trust me to look out for you, not to hurt you. With that being the case, there’s no way that I can kiss you—because, frankly, I don’t know where it could lead.’
    He was right. Of course he was. She just wished she didn’t feel so upset at the prospect of all this being over so quickly. That their kiss last night had been the end of the line for them.
    â€˜My helicopter will be here to collect us at eleven. I’ll help Ioannis with the remaining planters. What else can we do to help you?’
    His businesslike attitude pulled her up short. She needed to start focusing on the wedding.
    â€˜The candles need to be placed inside the lanterns...’ She paused and gave him a pleading smile. ‘And two white ribbons need to be tied to each of the bay trees.’
    He inhaled a deep breath. ‘If you dare tell Christos that I was tying ribbons you’ll be in big trouble.’
    He looked so hacked off she couldn’t help but giggle. And once she started she couldn’t stop, because he was studying her so incredulously. But eventually he too laughed, his laughter coming from deep inside him was highly infectious, which only caused Grace to start her ‘hiccupping hyena’ impression, as Sofia so charmingly called it. He stopped and stared at her, clearly surprised, but then he laughed even harder.
    When their laughter eventually petered out he shook his head and eyed her with amusement. ‘You do crazy things to me, Grace Chapman.’
    With that he walked away, and she stared after him, knowing, despite their differences, that she had never felt so in tune with another person in all her life.
    * * *
    Later that night Grace ran towards the villa. She had fifteen minutes to get ready. Not enough time to wash her hair. Just great . She was going out for dinner with the sexiest man she had ever met with unwashed hair and make-up slapped on. But then maybe it was for the best. Maybe he would take one look at her and the attraction between them would wilt.
    She took a quick shower and whilst dragging a towel over her body in order to dry herself hopped from one foot to the other in front of the wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear. Would the cocktail dress she had bought especially for the pre-wedding reception tonight be too over the top? Send the wrong message? But all her other clothes were too casual.
    She yanked the dress from the wardrobe and pulled it on. Five minutes to go. Quickly she applied some foundation and cream eyeshadow, a rose-pink gloss on her lips. She tied her hair back into a ponytail. A quick spritz of perfume and she was out through the door.
    Andreas was waiting for her by the patio doors in the living room, staring out onto the terrace.
    She came to an abrupt stop beside him. ‘Ready?’
    He stood back and his eyes trailed slowly down over her body. He cleared his throat before he spoke.

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