The Best Is Yet to Come: Novella Bonus for Her Best Match (The Best Girls Book 0)

The Best Is Yet to Come: Novella Bonus for Her Best Match (The Best Girls Book 0) by Tamie Dearen Page B

Book: The Best Is Yet to Come: Novella Bonus for Her Best Match (The Best Girls Book 0) by Tamie Dearen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamie Dearen
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popularity was climbing, she wore her fashionable dress with confidence. She was incredibly attractive—stunning, in fact. Until she spoke.
    “Ste—ven,” she gushed. “This is sooooo nice. And it’s sooooo nice that you’re raising money for the children’s home.”
    “You mean the children’s wing.”
    “Oh yeah! The children’s wing. What exactly is it for? I mean, like, are there going to be children living there?”
    “It’s a treatment center at Mercy General Hospital.” He glanced at his watch… Fifteen minutes—the night had just begun, and he was already losing patience with his uninspiring escort. “Excuse me. I see someone I need to speak with.”
    He abandoned her with relief, crossing the room to join the small group surrounding Alicia, who was speaking with fervent animated gestures. On his approach, the circle opened, allowing him a respectful space.
    Alicia lifted a brow in his direction as she finished her tirade and made an excuse to speak with Gherring. “Where’s your date?” she asked, taking his arm and leading him away from the crowd. “What’s her name again?”
    “Darian,” he said, looking over his shoulder. “She’s over there, flirting with the paparazzi.”
    “What’s her last name?”
    “Darian.” A wry smile slipped onto his face. “She told me her name was just Darian. She said she was like Madonna. She only has one name.”
    “Uhmm,” she said, noncommittally. “Sounds like a real winner. I can certainly see why you’d want to come with her rather than risk being seen with me again.”
    He rolled his eyes. “I’ll admit this time my publicist’s choice was less than optimal. She’s... she’s a bit...”
    “Yes, that’s the word. But still, my policy affords the protection I need, if not always the optimal companion for these tedious events.”
    She stopped walking as they reached a secluded alcove. “Ah, yes! Your policy... That’s what I want to speak to you about. I want you to consider, uhmm, suspending your policy for a bit. I think it could be to our mutual advantage.”
    “I’m listening,” he said, all of his defenses on high alert.
    “My campaign manager informed me that settling down with someone respectable might be enough to swing the election for me.” She paused for effect, “And I think you and I would make a great couple.”
    He laughed—he had to admire her audacity. “I’m not sure I qualify for respectable. And what exactly do you mean by ‘settle down’?”
    “Well, that’s open for discussion. For starters, go with me to the Black and White Charity Ball next Saturday night. And before you tell me you’ve already got a date... Just call your publicist and have them cancel with whatever insipid girl he’s arranged an escort.”
    “The next one might not be insipid. Didn’t he make the arrangements for me to escort you to the American Cancer Society banquet?”
    “So, he got lucky one time,” she quipped. “Wouldn’t you rather have a sure thing?”
    “What’s in it for me?”
    She smiled, squeezing herself against his arm. “Surely, we could make our evening mutually beneficial,” she said, deepening the innuendo with her suggestive tone.
    “An interesting offer… And I hope you won’t be offended when I turn you down. But I don’t need to change my policy to find someone to warm my bed.”
    In truth, it had been some time since any woman had interested him enough to risk the repercussions, but that wasn’t her business.
    “Before you say no, consider all the possible benefits. Consider I’d be a good long-term partner.” Her intense gaze burned into his eyes. “I’ll be honest with you. The DA position is just a springboard for me. I have much higher aspirations. Together, we would be a daunting couple. Your money and influence, my talent and charisma! Plus...” When she continued her voice was husky, “I could keep you very satisfied in the bedroom, and our progeny would be both

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