The Beauty and the Brawler

The Beauty and the Brawler by Nikki Winter

Book: The Beauty and the Brawler by Nikki Winter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Winter
Tags: Romance
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utterly adorable when it’s least expected. You have a way about you that makes others comfortable. I know for a fact that what you do, you do because you genuinely enjoy meeting new people—talking, laughing—not because you have some unrealistic end goal that will land you in a tell-all book.
    “I know enough about you to have glimpsed that you can be vulnerable with the right person and still maintain enough mystery about yourself to keep others interested. You, Samara Nicole Blackwell, are a problem and a solution all in one, and being with you is like a breath of fresh air. You’re truly different from any woman I’ve ever met, and it draws me to you like a moth to a flame. I love the fact that neither my looks, my championship belts, my money, nor my cock impress you.”
              “I wouldn’t be so sure about the cock part...” she interrupted, trying to take the heaviness off his words.
              He apparently knew exactly what she was doing and smirked at her. “I like that you get uncomfortable with compliments but relish in your rule as radio queen. I like that you don’t have to wear red bottom stilettos every hour of the day or constantly worry about chipping a nail. I like that you always give credit to those who got you where you are, and you never forget your promises. I like that you volunteer at the animal shelter once a month and finger-paint with kids weekly. I like that you have such a great relationship with your sister but you can call her on her shit; that you treat my brother like family while calling him on his and me on mine. In simple words, I like you, Sammie .”
              That was right around the time she burst into tears.
              “You’re giving me a complex here, bella.” Luciano grimaced, moving his hand up to massage the back of Samara’s neck.
              “Sorry.” She wiped her face, sniffled. “Goddamn pregnancy hormones.”
              His brows winged when she reached up to grip his hand and link their fingers before saying, “Luc, you freak me out.”
              “Dunno if I should be insulted here...”
              “No, no.” She squeezed. “You freak me out because I think the moment you see that I can’t cook, that most days I forget to eat anything besides peanut butter and jelly with a side of cheese crackers, that I kinda have hoarding tendencies, and that I have a one sided conversations with my cat, you’ll run...screaming...”
              His thumb rubbed her knuckles. “ I cancook, I’ll remind you to eat, I know a therapist who can help with your problems—Brian referred me when he caught me singing to a plate of his veal parm one night—the cat and I have an understanding, and give me a little credit here, baby, I don’t scream...except for this morning in the shower, and that was only because of that thing you did.”
               Samara chewed her lip before whispering, “I like you...”
              “What was that?”
              “I said I like you!”
              Luciano smiled. “ Really?” he drawled, batting his lashes. “What do you like about me?”
              “I have to tell you?”
              “Common courtesy, bella.”
              She focused her eyes outside the window to keep from chancing a glance at him. “For starters, I like how pretty you are.”
              He snorted. “Everyone does.”
              “And how humble you seem to be about it.” Her sarcasm was clear. “I like that you don’t try to use your size to intimidate, and that you can be gentle.”
              “We talking about what I think we’re talking about?”
              She pinched him again and smiled when he yelped. “I like that you have a sense of humor but a maturity most men can’t come close to. I like that you call Sansone your friend first but

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