The Ballerina & The Fighter (Book 1)

The Ballerina & The Fighter (Book 1) by Ursula Sinclair

Book: The Ballerina & The Fighter (Book 1) by Ursula Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ursula Sinclair
no answers, only Maze could provide those for me.
    I went to bed shortly
afterward, but my sleep was fitful, so it was no wonder I got up early, or
something else had awoken me. At five a.m. in the morning. The ping of my
phone, I had a text. I grabbed for my phone. It was from Maze. I breathed a sigh
of relief.
‘You ok?’
‘ME!!! I’m fine. What the hell about you? Are you all right?’
‘Yeah I’m fine.’
‘Who the hell were those guys?’
‘No one.’
‘The police want to talk to you. I gave them a description of those men.’
‘Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it.’
‘Ok. Will I see you today?’
    His reply was a long time in
coming, for some reason I felt my stomach knotting and cramping. When the reply
finally came it tightened even more.
‘No. Listen this was not a good idea. But I was glad I saw you dance.’
‘What’s not a good idea?’
    What did I say to that? I
pushed him away before now he pushed me away. I couldn’t help feel this had
something to do with last night.
‘Are you in some kind of trouble?’
‘Why don’t I believe you?’
‘I gotta go. It was really nice seeing you. Take care.’
‘Will I see you again before you leave the country?’
‘Probably not, I’m going to be busy. What do they say in show biz, break a
    And just like that Maze came
into my life and he went out. I sat there for a long time just staring out the
window. It took a minute for me to realize it was raining, because tears fell
from my eyes. There was a knock on my door and before I could say come or go,
Dante had pushed the door open and poked his head in. The second he saw me
sitting on the bed crying he walked into my room. Without a word he sat down
with his back to the headboard, he took me in his arms and just held me while I
cried over someone else. I didn’t even understand why I shed tears over him. So
we kissed a few times in our lives, but Maze didn’t seem interested in doing
any more of that, any more of anything. I’d get over it. Meanwhile Dante
continued to hold me. Finally, he asked.
    “What happened? Did you hear
from Maze?”
    I wrapped my arms around
Dante’s waist and spoke into his stomach. I didn’t want to look into his eyes;
they weren’t the color of the storm that raged outside this morning. “He’s
    “That’s good. So why are you
    I hiccupped, wiped my face
with the edge of the sheet then pushed away from him. Shifting until I sat up
in bed. I leaned my head against his shoulder.
    “Hell if I know,” I said and
let my lips curl into a half smile.
    He rubbed his head against
mine. “Are you seeing him again?”
    “No. I don’t think so. He…he
doesn’t want to see me.”
    He squeezed my hand on top of
the cover near his hip. “Then he’s an ass.”
    Dante jumped out of bed and
walked to the door. “Take a shower. I’m making breakfast; we have classes for a
few hours then you and I are going out.”
    I sat up and swung my legs
over the side. “What about Christy?”
    He opened the door, stopped
and turned back to look at me. “What about her?”
    “Is she coming with us?”
    “Three’s a crowd?” he said,
and smiled as he closed the door behind him.
    I got up and quickly got
dressed washing my tears away in the shower. I wasn’t even sure why I cried yet
again over Maze. Yes we’d had this incredible connection, but apparently,
maybe, it didn’t mean as much to him as it did to me. After I changed and got
my ballet bag with all my gear ready to go, I walked into the kitchen. The
smell of whatever Dante fixed permeated the air and had my stomach growling.
The man could cook and I hadn’t eaten since lunch yesterday, the way my stomach
growled I’d be able to eat my share of breakfast. I realized he was alone in
the kitchen. “Where’s Christy?” After I asked I realized Christy hadn’t

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