The Badge Bunnies series: Ride-Along

The Badge Bunnies series: Ride-Along by Paige Tyler

Book: The Badge Bunnies series: Ride-Along by Paige Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Tyler
for it now.”
    They both grinned at that.
    Grant slid his hand up her thigh. “You don't have to worry about that. Now that we've gotten a taste of you, you're one badge bunny neither one of us are going to let get away.”
    The words sent a quiver through her. That was a relief. And to think she’d almost been too shy to admit how crazy she was about them. Which was silly, considering what she’d just done with them.
    “So,” she said hopefully. “Does that mean we can get together again soon?”
    Jase gave her a positively roguish grin. “Who said we're done tonight?”
    She blinked. Was he serious? “I’m not sure I can handle any more tonight.”
    Grant leaned over and picked up something off the floor. It was the handcuffs. He let them swing back and forth from one finger. “I don't think you understand, babe. He who has the cuffs makes the rules, and I have the cuffs.”
    Jase chuckled, bending to nibble on her neck. “There's a good little badge bunny.”
    A tremor passed through her pussy even as her nipples tightened. That wasn't possible—she'd been fucked to the point of exhaustion already. But as Grant leaned down to trail kisses along her thigh, her body trembled more. Good heavens, she was getting aroused again.
    Jase reached across her to take the manacles from Grant. Laci watched with interest as he attached one of the cuffs to her right wrist.
    His blue eyes met hers. “Remember when I said we’d use a second pair of handcuffs on you if you were bad?”
    She didn’t really remember. It was difficult to think because Grant had slid between her legs and was starting to do interesting things with his tongue, but she nodded anyway.
    Jase flashed her that wicked smile of his again. “Are you a bad girl, Laci?”
    The conversation they’d had earlier about the second pair of handcuffs suddenly came back to her, along with all sorts of possibilities. She stifled a moan. “Yes, Officer. I’m a very bad girl.”
    Jase’s grin broadened. “Grant,” he said in a voice that sent shivers all over her body. “Get your cuffs.”

Read on for a sexy excerpt from HANDS-ON TRAINING, the fifth book in Paige Tyler’s Badge Bunnies Series!
    Available soon!

Hands-On Training
    Copyright © 2012 by Paige Tyler
    “You seemed comfortable handling the weapon when it was unloaded,” Blake said. “It wasn't until you got on the firing line with a loaded weapon that you started having a problem, so I think we should start there.”
    Trista groaned inwardly. The possibility of romance was dropping by the second here. Blake seriously thought she wanted a firearms lesson. She sighed. Might as well get something out of this.
    She glanced at him as she picked up her pistol. “Should I just start shooting at the target?”
    “Let's work on your stance first and get you comfortable with the weapon. Then we'll do some shooting.”
    Trista turned to face the target—feet together, pistol held in both hands with arms fully extended at shoulder height. ‘’Like this?”
    “Not quite.” Blake lifted his hand, then stopped. “Do you mind if I touch you? It's easier to show you than to tell you.”
    Now you're talking.
    “Go ahead.” She had to fight to keep the grin off her face as she slanted him a look. “If you think it will help.”
    Her pulse quickened as Blake went around to stand in back of her. Without a word, he placed his boot in between her feet, gently nudging them apart. When she automatically spread her legs, he slipped one of his between her thighs to widen her stance.
    Damn, she'd wanted Blake between her legs, but this wasn't what she'd had in mind. Not that she was complaining. Right now, she’d take him any way she could get him.
    He wrapped his arms around her and clasped her hands in his. She felt tiny in his embrace, and it was all she could do not to moan as the hard planes of his chest pressed against her back. She knew he was only

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