The Bad Boy's Redemption
contradictory things were both true had the pleasant side effect of making Olivia’s brain short circuit, keeping her from further stressing or crying or snotting on Colton’s rock hard chest.
    Instead, she changed into her humping unicorn pajamas, turned on some music, and climbed into bed beside Colt, somehow managing to keep her hands from straying south of his waistline, even though he had stripped down to his boxers and tee shirt.
    They lay snuggled in her bed until eleven o’clock, listening to her favorite Celtic Spirit Pandora channel and talking about all the parts of each other’s lives that they’d missed.
    He told her about basic training and his first deployment and the months he spent on a relief mission in a drought-ravaged part of Africa that had changed the way he thought about how much was enough. She told him about her proudest nerd accomplishment—getting her MBA in five years instead of six—the thrill of moving out on her own for the first time, and the disappointment of realizing that she was being paid significantly less than the men at the firm hired to do her same exact job.
    “I’m sorry,” Colt said, hugging her closer. “That shit makes me mad. Also makes me glad my sister runs her own business.”
    “It does suck,” Olivia agreed. “But like you said, when I think about how hard some of the women in the world have it—just trying to get enough food for their children to eat and convince the people around them that women deserve the right to an education.” She sighed. “Well, a little pay discrepancy doesn’t seem like such a big deal in comparison.”
    “But it is a big deal,” Colt insisted. “It’s all part of the same thing. It’s injustice and we shouldn’t stop fighting it until it’s gone.”
    She hummed against his warm skin, pleasantly surprised by his response.
    “That’s what pissed me off sometimes about the other men in my unit,” he continued. “They would get so caught up in the fight, they would forget what we were fighting for. Especially the young ones.”
    Olivia shifted her position on his chest to smile up into his face. “Young compared to your ancient, not-yet-thirty-year-old self?”
    His lips curved on one side. “I’m an old soul, what can I say.”
    “I wouldn’t have believed it before,” she said, her fingertips trailing lightly back and forth across his stomach, “but I think you’re right. You have hidden depths Colton Brody.”
    His smile faded as he glanced at the candles burning on the bedside table, casting his handsome face in golden light. “Maybe I do.” He cleared his throat and reached for her hand, stilling her movement as he enfolded her fingers in his much larger ones. “But I should probably get going. I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep if I stay too much longer.”
    “You can stay the night if you want,” Olivia said, grateful the stress lobe of her brain still seemed to be on time out so she didn’t overthink the invitation. “I’ve got an extra toothbrush you can use.”
    He took a deep breath, his lips pressing together. He didn’t look thrilled at the prospect, but he nodded. “Sounds good. I’ll try not to hog the covers.”
    She pulled away, sliding down to the floor beside the bed. “Don’t worry about it. You’re so warm, I probably won’t need as many covers. And I think I’ve finally figured out how to keep the space heater running all night. I just have to be sure to unplug a few things downstairs before I turn it on.”
    Squirming her feet into her slippers, she headed for the door. “Make yourself at home. The extra toothbrushes are in the top right-hand drawer in the bathroom.”
    She padded down the stairs and around the corner into the darkened foyer where her clothes—and ripped panties—still lay in shadowy puddles on the floor. She gathered them up in one arm and hung their coats on the coat tree, trying not to think about how nice they looked hanging side by side or all the intense

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