The Azrael: Surviving the Outbreak

The Azrael: Surviving the Outbreak by Jesse Gagnon

Book: The Azrael: Surviving the Outbreak by Jesse Gagnon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jesse Gagnon
Tags: Zombies
the sleeping bag hanging out of the small tent.  He was horrified at what his body was doing as his mind slept.  He began to scream from the sheer frustration and unending nightmare he was living in.  He released a terrifying raspy howl that carried for miles and caused the entire forest to go silent.  It was a sound he had never heard before and it frightened him that it came from his own body.  He felt a small draw to an alpha miles away and resisted again.  He travelled in the opposite direction of the pull.  He heard and felt the flesh slosh around in his gut as he walked.  The weight of it caused his balance to be offset and he waddled a bit as he walked.  He hunched over and it wasn’t as noticeable, plus the muscle tension lessoned as he started to move like the Azrael once more.  He thought that he would continue walking like this only until the meal inside his stomach digested.
    As daylight came he began to fully articulate his body and started to move with more ease.  When the flesh fully digested within his belly he could feel the adrenaline coursing throughout his body.  His muscles throbbed and he felt compelled to run.  So he did.  He sprinted with ease and without exhaustion away from the occasional pull from an alpha.  The woods cleared and a large house revealed itself to him beyond an empty field.  The day slowly began to fade as night was taking over.  Randall started to finally feel fatigue and hunger.  He hoped there were no people in the house.  He didn’t know if he could control his desire to eat.  A faint smell of human flesh entered his nose.  No, he had to leave.
    A strange sound of something familiar exited the house along with a familiar sound, a very familiar sound of someone screaming.  It excited him and pulled him harder than the pull to an alpha ever had.  He moved forward and listened.  The screams continued, but behind that sound strange rhythmic beats thumped and caused the windows of the house to vibrate.  It was music.  His heartbeat matched the tempo of the beat and he began to drool as the screams continued to stimulate the compulsion to eat.  He reached a window that allowed him to see inside and saw nothing.  He continued to watch waiting for someone to walk passed.  The screams sedated and he watched as two humans exit a room and walked passed naked and holding and kissing each other.  Not screams of pain, but lust. He could smell the fluids and pheromones of sex in the air and his stomach growled.  He exited the window and began to walk away.  However, the long empty field provided not much cover and the man inside saw Randall walking away as Azrael walk and put pants on while grabbing his shotgun. 
    Randall heard a small clicking sound and a waft of human skin and turned.  A blinding flash and intense pain entered his mind.  A primal instinct to attack took over and before he knew it he was on top of the man ripping into his flesh.  The taste of the meat satisfied his appetite and he continued to eat.  The aroma and taste of the man changed and he ceased his attack.  He sat up with a mouthful of neck meat; blood splattered all over his face, looked up and found the woman on the steps horrified.  She was wearing a robe that blew open from a breeze that reached Randall soon after.  He could smell her sweet sweat and tasted her fear in the air.  His body started to excite and began to lunge towards the woman.  He fought the urge and pulled back.  It strained his mind heavily and he continued to fight the sensation to eat this woman.  His heartbeat tripled its speed and his veins throbbed but he remained hovered over the man’s corpse.  The draw was enormous and he could feel his mind losing.  He finally urged his body to move.  He stepped backwards slowly still keeping her gaze.  With each step, he had to enforce his will to stop his primal instinct to lunge.  He took three full steps away and turned his back to the woman.  The man

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