The Awakening: Britton (Entangled Covet)
though Britton hadn’t been
    able to follow through, his desire to do so had warmed her.
    Not to mention how she’d wanted more than anything to feel the rough texture of his beast’s tongue
    glide over her wound. The mere thought made her shiver.
    She was literally a jumble of new feelings she had no idea what to do with. The violet of his beast had
    sent her heart racing. The way he’d stared at her mouth as if he’d wanted to kiss her had rendered her
    incapable of drawing breath. And now he was doting on her like a devoted boyfriend.
    It was truly surreal.
    As he came out of the bedroom, she tentatively stood.
    “How’s your head?” he asked.
    She touched her temple. “The pain reliever Miles gave me is kicking in, so it’s better.”
    The moment the other man’s name came out of her mouth, Britton’s lips pinched together.
    She brushed aside his odd behavior. No way was it jealousy, even though it sure looked like it. The last
    few hours had simply taken its toll on both of them. Most likely he was as exhausted as she was, and just as
    Shuffling toward him, she winced at the stiffness in her muscles. “I’m going to be sore tomorrow.”
    His face relaxed. “The bath is ready. Take a long one, it’ll help with the aches.”
    The softness in his voice gave her pause, and before she could stop it, she murmured, “Everything has
    changed, hasn’t it?”
    He had the decency not to pretend he didn’t know what she was asking. “Yeah. It has. I had a huge
    lightbulb moment yesterday while I watched you cope with your limitations.”
    “What’s that?”
    “I’ve never been anything but an asshole to you.”
    The corner of her lip lifted. “I’ve been a pretty big bitch to you, too.”
    “But I provoked it. I didn’t give you a chance, Val. I came at you from day one with my teeth bared,
    which was really shitty of me. If one thing has come out of all of this, it’s that realization. I’m really sorry
    for the way I’ve treated you. It was unfair, and it won’t happen anymore.”
    “You’re not the only one who had an epiphany yesterday, Britton. I’m sorry, too. For everything I ever
    said to you. I might have done it out of being provoked, but I could’ve targeted your hair or clothes, or
    your womanizing ways. What I focused on was something that was deeply a part of you, and every nasty
    remark I made must only have increased those negative feelings you had about yourself.” She bit her lip.
    “I-It’s why you always ended up storming off furious, wasn’t it? I made you feel worse.”
    He regarded her. “How about we don’t play the blame game? We each take responsibility for our part in
    the turbulent past we’ve shared, and promise that as of this moment, that past is behind us.” He held out his
    hand. “Friends, Val?”
    “Friends,” she agreed with a soft smile.
    She slipped her hand into his to shake, and his eyes immediately went violet. Mouth going dry, she
    froze. Dea , it was breathtaking to see his beast overtake his gaze.
    As she tugged at her hand, she was shocked when his hold tightened, refusing to release her. So they
    stood there, staring at each other, him gripping her hand in his. Finally, he cleared his throat, jerked his
    hand away, and crossed the room.
    The tension in the room heightened and she could still feel the pressure of his fingers wrapped around
    hers and the heat of his skin against hers, still see the magnificent glow of his preternatural eyes staring
    down at her. Flexing her fingers, she let out a slow breath.
    “I-I’m going to take that bath now.”
    “Yeah, sure. I’ll start something for dinner.”
    Nodding, she closed herself in the bedroom.
    Dea . When had things become so damn complicated between them?
    Britton stared at the wood floor. The moment Val’s hand had slipped into his, he’d wanted to tug her
    forward, press her curves against his, and kiss the hell out of her.
    Maybe he should just do it. Get it over

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